Spells.2da #548 Darkfire is disabled in stock Nwn2 – if you want it …
change MetaMagic to 0x7F (all non-invokation metamagics except Permanent)
change Cleric to 3
change REMOVED to 0
edit Dialog.Tlk #3782
Caster Level(s): Cleric 3 Innate Level: 3 School: Evocation Descriptor(s): Fire Component(s): Verbal, Somatic Range: Touch Area of Effect / Target: Creature, Melee Weapon Duration: 1 min. / level Save: None Spell Resistance: No This spell allows you to immolate a melee weapon. In addition to its normal damage, the weapon inflicts 1d6 points of damage, +1 per two caster levels (maximum of +10) of Fire damage. The caster can target either a specific melee weapon in his inventory or a creature to enchant the weapon that it's wielding.
replace the ImpactScript x2_s0_darkfire with this →
//:: Darkfire
//:: 'x2_s0_darkfire'
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Creature, Melee Weapon
Duration: 1 min. / level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell allows you to immolate a melee weapon. In addition to its normal
damage, the weapon inflicts 1d6 points of damage, +1 per two caster levels
(maximum of +10) of Fire damage. The caster can target either a specific
melee weapon in his inventory or a creature to enchant the weapon that it's
//:: Created By: Andrew Nobbs
//:: Created On: Dec 04, 2002
//:: Updated by Andrew Nobbs May 08, 2003
//:: 2003-07-29: Rewritten, Georg Zoeller
//:: 2022-10-13: reinstated and rewritten, kevL
#include "x2_inc_spellhook"
#include "nwn2_inc_metmag"
const string sMETA = "ohcs_DarkfireMeta";
const string sCL = "ohcs_DarkfireCL";
void main()
if (!X2PreSpellCastCode())
object oCaster = OBJECT_SELF;
object oTarget = IPGetTargetedOrEquippedMeleeWeapon();
if (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
int iCasterlevel = GetCasterLevel(oCaster);
if (iCasterlevel < 1) iCasterlevel = 1;
float fDur = ApplyMetamagicDurationMods(TurnsToSeconds(iCasterlevel));
// note if the item is on the ground there is no possessor
object oPossessor = GetItemPossessor(oTarget);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oPossessor))
SignalEvent(oPossessor, EventSpellCastAt(oCaster, GetSpellId(), FALSE));
effect eHit = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_PULSE_FIRE);
effect eHi0 = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_FLAME_M);
eHit = EffectLinkEffects(eHit, eHi0);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHit, oPossessor);
// note that if the item is passed off to another character the DurCessatePositive
// visual will still affect only the original possessor
effect eDur = EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_CESSATE_POSITIVE);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eDur, oPossessor, fDur);
// limit iCasterlevel to 20
// - this value will appear on the item's Examine sheet
// but it's halved for damage bonus in the OnHit script (x2_s3_darkfire)
if (iCasterlevel > 20)
iCasterlevel = 20;
itemproperty ip = ItemPropertyOnHitCastSpell(IP_CONST_ONHIT_CASTSPELL_ONHIT_DARKFIRE, iCasterlevel);
IPSafeAddItemProperty(oTarget, ip, fDur, X2_IP_ADDPROP_POLICY_REPLACE_EXISTING);
ip = ItemPropertyVisualEffect(ITEM_VISUAL_FIRE);
int iMeta = GetMetaMagicFeat();
// store Metamagic on the weapon
SetLocalInt(oTarget, sMETA, iMeta);
AssignCommand(GetModule(), DelayCommand(fDur, DeleteLocalInt(oTarget, sMETA)));
DeleteLocalInt(oTarget, sMETA);
// store Casterlevel halved on the weapon
SetLocalInt(oTarget, sCL, iCasterlevel / 2);
AssignCommand(GetModule(), DelayCommand(fDur, DeleteLocalInt(oTarget, sCL)));
FloatingTextStrRefOnCreature(83615, oCaster); // "* Spell Failed - Target must be a melee weapon or creature with a melee weapon equipped *"
edit Iprp_OnHitSpell.2da #127 OnHIT_Darkfire
change Name to 3781
replace the ImpactScript x2_s3_darkfire with this →
//:: OnHit Darkfire
//:: 'x2_s3_darkfire'
//:: Copyright (c) 2003 Bioware Corp.
OnHit Castspell Fire Damage property for the Darkfire weapon spell
We need to use this property because we cannot add both constant and
variable damage with EffectDamage().
The Casterlevel is set as a variable on the weapon. So is Metamagic -
Empowered or Maximized.
//:: Created By: Georg Zoeller
//:: Created On: 2003-07-17
//:: 2022-10-13: reinstated and rewritten, kevL
const string sMETA = "ohcs_DarkfireMeta";
const string sCL = "ohcs_DarkfireCL";
// OBJECT_SELF is possessor of the item
// - but note that GetCasterLevel(OBJECT_SELF) returns the level of the
// originating caster ... go figur (note that level is stored as the CostValue
// in the applied ItemProperty construct)
// - also note that GetMetaMagicFeat() returns the metamagic with which the
// application-spell was cast IF the originating spellcaster is using the
// weapon BUT -1 if a different character uses the weapon ... go figur
// - so store the value of Metamagic in the application-script and check it here
// for the Empowered or Maximized flags
void main()
object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
if (GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
object oWeapon = GetSpellCastItem();
int iFire;
switch (GetLocalInt(oWeapon, sMETA))
iFire = d6();
iFire = d6();
iFire += iFire / 2;
iFire = 6;
iFire += GetLocalInt(oWeapon, sCL);
int iHit;
if (iFire <= 10) iHit = VFX_IMP_FLAME_S;
else iHit = VFX_IMP_FLAME_M;
effect eHit = EffectVisualEffect(iHit);
effect eFire = EffectDamage(iFire, DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE);
eFire = EffectLinkEffects(eFire, eHit);
ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eFire, oTarget);
thanks to @temyankee for getting me interested in this and @Lance_Botelle for just being Lance
[edit] 221015 - fix potential bug w/ using GetCasterLevel() → store CL on the weapon
[edit] fix dialog.Tlk description : Duration is 1 min/level
[edit] ensure metamagic gets deleted on reapplication