While looking for something on the old nwn.bioware.com
(via wayback machine) site I came across a few things that I thought might be of interest to people here. They were small enough to convert to pdf files without the common problem of bits of them being cut off, so I converted them. They have had to be archived (7z) because these Discourse forums won’t let you post bare pdf files.
The first is the original toolset FAQ, apparently originally from before the toolset was released. Because the other 3 are actual tutorials I am uploading this separately.
Neverwinter Nights_ Aurora Neverwinter Toolset FAQ.7z (236.7 KB)
The three tutorials are “Creating Your Own Creatures”, “Texture Tutorial_ Re-Skinning Creatures” and “1.68 Cloaks and Textures Tutorial”. The first 2 have all the original pictures but none of the original download files, while the last has neither. Word of warning don’t try any of the links that may be in the documents, they’re likely to be all dead. Anyway, here are those tutorials, all packed in a single pdf.
nwn_bioware_tuts.7z (626.5 KB)