A question about TCC Reboot v2.04

Armor and shields with the On-hit: cast spell property?


Tags: 1 - Any weapons, 2 - Armor and shields.

UPD: Nvm, I didn’t know it works with armor too…

A quote from Lexicon:

yep i guess so

when in doubt, test

BTW, I found a bug with ranged weapon enhancements in crafting.2da (see the selected column below). There’re other bugs with blueprints as well, but I’m too lazy atm to report about them.

#3 = Bow
#4 = Crossbow
#5 = Sling

#61 is ITEM_PROPERTY_UNLIMITED_AMMUNITION. It has only ONE parameter, not two.

* Returns Item property unlimited ammo. If you leave the parameter field blank
* it will be just a normal bolt, arrow, or bullet. However you may specify that
* you want the ammunition to do special damage (ie. +1d6 Fire, or +1 enhancement
* bonus). For this parmeter you use the constants beginning with:
* @param nAmmoDamage default of \ref IP_CONST_UNLIMITEDAMMO_BASIC
* @return  an item property
itemproperty ItemPropertyUnlimitedAmmo(int nAmmoDamage=IP_CONST_UNLIMITEDAMMO_BASIC);

So what is the second parameter supposed to mean?
Those entries probably need to merge…

i also notice these:

the encodedIp does look fishy

… here’s the doc from Rebalanced Recipe Changelog.txt

methinks Vandervecken should be contacted …

'cause I have no idea what the “0,1,2” params are supposed to be – but in the code they are what’s getting passed into IPGetItemPropertyByID() (incorrectly)

[pm sent to V via the old forum]

Is there a way to automatically generate crafting_index.2da?

try ‘tcc_indexer’ in the /tools folder

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Thanks, fixed it for myself.

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I noticed that the recipes are disabled in Crafting.2da

but after enabling them and fixing the EncodedIPs →

+3 unlimited ammo works


I’ll test this and push it in the new version hopefully over the weekend.
@Aqvilinus: if you have any other bugs with blueprints please don’t hesitate to let me know.

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@Vandervecken, I’ll try to gather all information by Monday.

Here are a bunch of other small errors in crafting.2da:

A missing enhancement:

CATEGORY Reagents TAGS Effects
56 “cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4,cft_gem_13” “11,1” “48,21,3,20,0”

Lines with wrong reagents (should have cft_ess_earth4 instead of cft_ess_air4):

CATEGORY Reagents TAGS Effects
431 “NW_IT_GEM010,cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4” 2 “82,86,4,0,0”
432 “NW_IT_GEM010,cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4” 2 “82,87,4,0,0”
433 “NW_IT_GEM010,cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4” 2 “82,88,4,0,0”
434 “NW_IT_GEM010,cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4” 2 “82,89,4,0,0”
435 “NW_IT_GEM010,cft_ess_air4,cft_ess_power4,cft_ess_water4” 2 “82,90,4,0,0”

Completely useless enhancements that should be removed (or the CL should be adjusted somehow):

CATEGORY Reagents TAGS Effects CasterLevel
450 “NW_IT_GEM005,cft_ess_earth2” 2 “1,1,0,0,0” 8
450 “NW_IT_GEM012,cft_ess_earth3” 2 “1,2,0,0,0” 10
450 “cft_ess_earth4,cft_gem_12” 2 “1,3,0,0,0” 12

Because there’re much better options:

CATEGORY Reagents TAGS Effects CasterLevel
102 “cft_ess_earth1,cft_gem_03” 2 “1,1,0,0,0” 3
102 “NW_IT_GEM005,cft_ess_earth1” 2 “1,2,0,0,0” 6
102 “NW_IT_GEM012,cft_ess_earth2,cft_ess_power1” 2 “1,3,0,0,0” 9
102 “cft_ess_earth3,cft_ess_power2,cft_gem_10” 2 “1,4,0,0,0” 12
102 “cft_ess_earth3,cft_ess_power3,cft_gem_12” 2 “1,5,0,0,0” 15
546 “cft_ess_earth1,cft_gem_03” 2 “1,1,0,0,0” 3
546 “NW_IT_GEM005,cft_ess_earth1” 2 “1,2,0,0,0” 6
546 “NW_IT_GEM012,cft_ess_earth2,cft_ess_power1” 2 “1,3,0,0,0” 9
546 “cft_ess_earth3,cft_ess_power2,cft_gem_10” 2 “1,4,0,0,0” 12
546 “cft_ess_earth3,cft_ess_power3,cft_gem_12” 2 “1,5,0,0,0” 15
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baseitems.2da should be excluded from the archive with TCC (you just changed two labels, it’s not a reason to distribute this file).

armorrulestats.2da is not compatible with Kaedrin’s PrC Pack v1.42.1.

Replace the lines below:

47 Nightscale 2 10 0 5 150 1000 240539 240538 240540 Light
48 Sharkskin 3 6 -1 10 150 85 240590 240589 240591 Light
49 Battle_Plate 9 1 -7 50 1250 2500 240593 240592 240594 Heavy
50 Mountain_Plate 10 0 -9 60 2250 3250 240596 240595 240597 Heavy
51 Heavy_Steel_Shield 3 100 -3 15 250 30 240599 240598 240600 None
52 Living_Coral 6 3 -4 20 300 16000 240602 240601 240603 Medium
53 Spidersilk 3 8 -1 10 50 750 240605 240604 240606 Light
54 Darkwood_Light_Shield 1 100 0 5 25 203 240608 240607 240609 None
55 Darkwood_Heavy_Shield 2 100 0 15 50 257 240611 240610 240612 None
56 Mithral_Battle_Plate 9 3 -4 40 625 11500 240614 240613 240615 Medium
57 Mithral_Mountain_Plate 10 2 -6 50 1125 12250 240617 240616 240618 Medium
58 Solid_Mithral_Heavy_Shield 3 100 0 5 125 1030 240620 240619 240621 None


47 Nightscale 2 10 0 5 150 1000 240539 240538 240540 Light
48 Sharkskin 3 6 -1 10 150 85 240590 240589 240591 Light
49 Battle_Plate 9 1 -7 50 1250 2500 240593 240592 240594 Heavy
50 Mountain_Plate 10 0 -9 60 2250 3250 240596 240595 240597 Heavy
51 padding **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** None
52 Living_Coral 6 3 -4 20 300 16000 240602 240601 240603 Medium
53 Spidersilk 3 8 -1 10 50 750 240605 240604 240606 Light
54 padding **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** None
55 padding **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** None
56 Mithral_Battle_Plate 9 3 -4 40 625 11500 240614 240613 240615 Heavy
57 Mithral_Mountain_Plate 10 2 -6 50 1125 12250 240617 240616 240618 Heavy
58 Bondleaf_Ivy 1 100 0 0 20 1000 241470 241469 241471 Light

Since Kaedrin’s PrC Pack adds its own molds and blueprints for ammo and throwing weapons, it would be a good idea to add them to the crafting.2da distributed with TCC, but replace output blueprints there with corresponding blueprints from TCC (since they have the same stats and allow to craft also masterwork versions of these items).

n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_arrow_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_arrow_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_arrow_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** nw_wamar001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_arrow_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_arrow n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_arrow,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_arrow_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_bolt_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_bolt_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_bolt_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** nw_wambo001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_bolt_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bolt n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_bolt,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_bolt_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** tcc_bullet_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** tcc_bullet_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** tcc_bullet_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** nw_wambu001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** tcc_bullet_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_bullet n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_bullet 0 **** tcc_bullet_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** tcc_tstar_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** tcc_tstar_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** tcc_tstar_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** nw_wthsh001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** tcc_tstar_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_shuriken n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_shuriken 0 **** tcc_tstar_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** tcc_dart_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** tcc_dart_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** tcc_dart_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** nw_wthdt001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** tcc_dart_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_dart n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_dart 0 **** tcc_dart_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingadamant,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_axtw_ada_001 26 17 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingcldiron,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_axtw_cld_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingdrksteel,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_axtw_drk_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingiron,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** nw_wthax001 26 2 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingmithral,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_axtw_mth_001 26 12 **** 0 0 0
n2_crft_mold_taxe n2_crft_ingsilver,n2_crft_mold_taxe,n2_crft_plkwood 0 **** tcc_axtw_slv_001 26 7 **** 0 0 0

Another weirdness with the Encoded IPs.

Wow, ok, there’s a lot here. Please bear with me as I slowly work through all of this. I will get to it all, but I have two kids under 5 and it’s been a while since I loaded it into my head. KevL is much more current these days.

Note that you can definitely submit your own changes on github:

As for your suggestions, so far:

  1. I’m looking at the Slay Living enhancements and I notice that it’s not just one missing, it’s many. There are 17 different Slay Living enhancements listed in the recipes, and only 10 in crafting.2da. So it’s not just the one you listed. Does that make sense to you?
  2. BaseItems.2da - I see we changed the “Sort Order” label (last one) but I think we also changed another. Which value was it? Having trouble with my tools.


No worries at all, really. I am able to fix these errors on my own and don’t experience any troubles with them, so take as much time as you needed. I just wish to create better experience with TCC for the future players.

Ok, I’ll think about proposing these changes directly on GitHub.

  1. I haven’t looked at the recipe list, but It wouldn’t surprise me if there’re other missing enhancements. The one I listed above should clearly be here because all the Slay Race on-hit enhancements are supposed to have two trigger spells: Slay Living and Finger of the Death (except Slace Race: Undead which has only one – Undeath to Death). But this is not the case with the Slay Race: Outsiders enhancement – the Slay Living version is missing for it.

  2. Sorry, you’re right about baseitems.2da. I didn’t notice this change.

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Vandervecken is a full collaborator on the project @ github, so either of us can review and pull PRs

( pls keep any prs concise and to the point )

figured i’d need Yet Another 2da Editor …

I’m sorely tempted atm to make an edition just for Crafting.2da, such that mouseovers on fields would interpret all those magic numbers,

EDIT: okay i think it’s basically working/saving files/not crashing.

So will put my mind to implementing tooltips specifically if Crafting.2da is loaded … haven’t even started so not sure how it’ll work, but if you guys want to stall on pulling your hair out repeatedly looking up what spell-triggers/tags/effects etc mean … will likely have something in .NET 3.5 in a day or two.

Another bug:

Lucky: Adds +1 to all saves
Requires: Caster Level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat
Ingredients: Faint Power Essence + Faint Earth Essence + Obsidian
Spell: Resistance

encoded incorrectly as “40,1,3,0,0” (bonus +3 to Fortitude saves). Should be “40,0,1,0,0”.

I found a problem with the Bonus Spell Slots for level 3,4, and 5 for a Cleric, I used: Weak Water Essence + Faint Power Essence + Canary Diamond and Spell: Owl’s Wisdom for a 3rd level spell slot and it gave me a incorrect recipe. The recipes for a 1st and 2nd spell slots worked just fine. I know the wizard ones all work but this is first time I’ve tried to use the Clerics.

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@jonesr65, that’s strange. I just checked crafting.2da and this enhancement has exactly the same recipe you used.

I know it acts like the previous rebalanced version. I when thru all the recipes back then and those 3 failed and they have the same reagents listed. The only thing I see different is my row count is different than yours. The cleric level 3 spell slot shows up on row 500 and I just redownloaded from the Vault to make sure I had the most current one.

Don’t pay attention to the row count – I made a lot of changes in my crafting.2da.

I haven’t checked these particular recipes in the game, so really don’t know. I suggest to wait for a response from @Vandervecken or @kevL_s.