well … the stock script looks like this
//:: Summon Animal Companion
//:: NW_S2_AnimalComp
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.
This spell summons a Druid's animal companion
//:: Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
//:: Created On: Sept 27, 2001
void main()
//Yep thats it
i don’t see how that can summon a dinosaur … perhaps i’m missing something but I don’t use that script. The one im using looks like
//:: Summon Animal Companion
//:: 'nw_s2_animalcom'
//:: Copyright (c) 2001 Bioware Corp.
This spellability summons an Animal Companion.
// Created By: Preston Watamaniuk
// Created On: Sept 27, 2001
// kevL's
// 2012 jul 15 - note this is a modified Kaedrin's 1.41.4 script.
// - added spellhook & tidy up.
// 2013 jan 06 - fixed apply DamageReduction w/ Exalted Companion.
// - calls kL_SummonCMIAnimComp() to get around
// issues w/out Kaedrin's PrC pack ...
// 2013 apr 20 - swapped in alphaConstants for numeric.
// 2016 sep 10 - refactor.
// 2017 apr 28 - huge refactor.
#include "x2_inc_spellhook"
#include "mrop_inc_const"
#include "mrop_inc_assoc"
void main()
//SendMessageToPC(GetFirstPC(FALSE), "Run ( nw_s2_animalcom ) - " + GetName(OBJECT_SELF));
// kL_RoM: addition of Spellhook
if (GetLocalInt(GetModule(), MROP_VAR_ACTIVE) // the spellhook will fire in Learn mode if TRUE
&& !X2PreSpellCastCode())
object oCaster = OBJECT_SELF;
string sResref, sLabel;
int iType = GetLocalInt(oCaster, VAR_ANICOTYPE); // console AniCo ->
if (iType)
sResref = Get2DAString(HEN_COMPANION, BASERESREF_PREFIX, --iType); // decr to get the true ref
sLabel = GetLocalString(oCaster, VAR_ANICOLABEL);
kL_SummonAnimalCompanion(oCaster, sResref, sLabel);
And it’s support #include
// 'mrop_inc_assoc'
This is the include file for my content and will hopefully allow others to
remap my content for their own use more easily.
IMPORTANT: This file supercedes 'cmi_animcom'.
// Created By: Kaedrin (Matt)
// modified by kevL: this is a subset of the kPrC pack's 'cmi_animcom'
// so that users wishing to recompile MRoP scripts don't need kPrC installed.
// Note that some versions of the kPrC don't include source anyway ....
// kevL's
// 2012 jun 17 - merged w/ Cyphre's Companions Pack.
// 2013 jan 06 - fixed problem with Animal Companions not leveling w/ PC
// if Kaedrin's PrC pack is not also installed;
// 'cmi_player_levelup' deletes the string_var "cmi_animcomp"
// on the PC object. This bypasses that ....
// 2013 jan 07 - renamed the file and functions to not conflict w/ Kaedrin's original.
// 2016 sep 09 - added constants and kL_ApplySilverFangEffect().
// - refactor.
// 2016 sep 18 - changed name of file from 'kl_cmi_animcom' to 'mrop_cmi_animcom'.
// 2020 mar 14 - changed name of file from 'mrop_cmi_animcom' to 'mrop_inc_assoc'.
#include "cmi_includes"
const int CLASS_LION_TALISID = 123; // these constants are needed for the Release version.
const int FEAT_NATURAL_BOND = 2106;
const int FEAT_DEVOTED_TRACKER = 3697;
const int FEAT_TELTHOR_COMPANION = 3704;
const int FEAT_SILVER_FANG = 3527;
const int FEAT_EXALTED_COMPANION = 3133;
const string VAR_ANICOTYPE = "AniCoType";
const string VAR_ANICOLABEL = "AniCoLabel";
void kL_SummonAnimalCompanion(object oCaster, string sResref, string sLabel);
string kL_GetStandardResref(object oCaster);
int kL_GetTier(object oCaster, int bEleType, int bTotalLevel);
int kL_GetCasterTier(object oCaster, int bTotalLevel = FALSE);
void kL_ApplyFeatEffects(object oAniCo, object oCaster);
// public.
void kL_SummonAnimalCompanion(object oCaster, string sResref, string sLabel)
int bTotalLevel = (sResref != ""); // is console Anico.
if (!bTotalLevel)
if (GetTag(oCaster) == "co_umoja") // Umoja from SoZ always gets his Dino.
SendMessageToPC(oCaster, "<c=seagreen>Umoja calls to nature for his trusted companion.</c>");
sResref = "c_ancom_dino";
else if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_TELTHOR_COMPANION, oCaster, TRUE)) // Telthor Companion takes precedence over the rest.
sResref = "cmi_ancom_telthor";
sLabel = "Spirit Telthor"; // <- TODO: that in blueprints
else if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_EPIC_DRAGON_COMPANION, oCaster, TRUE)) // Epic Dragon Companion next
switch (GetAlignmentGoodEvil(oCaster))
sResref = "c_ancom_bronze";
sResref = "c_ancom_blue";
else if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_DINOSAUR_COMPANION, oCaster, TRUE)) // Deinonychus ...
sResref = "c_ancom_dino";
else if ((sResref = GetLocalString(oCaster, "sAnico")) == "") // else standard type ->
sResref = kL_GetStandardResref(oCaster);
SetLocalString(oCaster, "sAnico", sResref);
if (sResref != "")
int bEleType = (FindSubString(sResref, "ele") != -1);
sResref += IntToString(kL_GetTier(oCaster, bEleType, bTotalLevel));
SummonAnimalCompanion(oCaster, sResref); // replace current associate
object oAniCo = GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_ANIMALCOMPANION, oCaster);
if (GetIsObjectValid(oAniCo))
kL_ApplyFeatEffects(oAniCo, oCaster);
if (sLabel != "")
SetFirstName(oAniCo, sLabel);
SendMessageToPC(oCaster, "<c=red>ERROR ( mrop_inc_assoc )"
+ " cannot find Animal Companion resref : "
+ sResref + "</c>");
SendMessageToPC(oCaster, "<c=red>ERROR ( mrop_inc_assoc )"
+ " Animal Companion resref is blank !</c>");
// private.
string kL_GetStandardResref(object oCaster)
SummonAnimalCompanion(oCaster); // need to summon the associate just to find out what it is.
// because ->
// iType = GetAnimalCompanionCreatureType(...); <- doesn't fing work!!
// hence we do this the hard way ->
// Screw that. Store the baseresref-prefix on the character.
// Even better store its RowID from Hen_Companion.2da
string sTag = GetTag(GetAssociate(ASSOCIATE_TYPE_ANIMALCOMPANION, oCaster));
if (FindSubString(sTag, "badger") != -1) // #0 badger - Hen_Companion.2da
return "c_ancom_badger";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "wolf") != -1) // #1 wolf
return "c_ancom_wolf";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "bear") != -1) // #2 bear
return "c_ancom_bear";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "boar") != -1) // #3 boar
return "c_ancom_boar";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "spider") != -1) // #4 giant spider
return "c_ancom_spider";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "blue") != -1) // #5 blue dragon
return "c_ancom_blue";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "panther") != -1) // #6 panther
return "c_ancom_panther";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "bronze") != -1) // #4 bronze dragon
return "c_ancom_bronze";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "dino") != -1) // #8 deinonychus
return "c_ancom_dino";
// #9, #10 : not used.
if (FindSubString(sTag, "elew") != -1) // #11 water elemental
return "cmi_ancom_elew";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "elef") != -1) // #12 fire elemental
return "cmi_ancom_elef";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "telthor") != -1) // #13 telthor wolf
return "cmi_ancom_telthor";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "elea") != -1) // #14 air elemental
return "cmi_ancom_elea";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "elee") != -1) // #15 earth elemental
return "cmi_ancom_elee";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "abo") != -1) // #16 arctic boar
return "c_ancom_abo";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "awo") != -1) // #17 arctic wolf
return "c_ancom_awo";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "hshark") != -1) // #18 hammerhead shark
return "c_ancom_hshark";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "snake") != -1) // #19 highland snake
return "c_ancom_snake";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "mshark") != -1) // #20 mako shark
return "c_ancom_mshark";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "mlion") != -1) // #21 mountain lion
return "c_ancom_mlion";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "bpolar") != -1) // #22 polar bear
return "c_ancom_bpolar";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "sleo") != -1) // #23 snow leopard
return "c_ancom_sleo";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "wolverine") != -1) // #24 wolverine
return "c_ancom_wolverine";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "tiger") != -1) // #25 tiger
return "c_ancom_tiger";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "stiger") != -1) // #26 snow tiger
return "c_ancom_stiger";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "white_tiger") != -1) // UNVERIFIED
return "c_ancom_white_tiger";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "grender") != -1) // #27 gray render
return "c_ancom_grender";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "smilo") != -1) // #28 smilodon
return "c_ancom_smilo";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "deino") != -1) // #29 deinonychus
return "c_ancom_deino";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "megara") != -1) // #30 megaraptor
return "c_ancom_megara";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "jsnake") != -1) // #31 jungle snake
return "c_ancom_jsnake";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "myconid") != -1) // #32 myconid
return "c_ancom_myconid";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "psimyco") != -1) // #33 psionic myconid
return "c_ancom_psimyco";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "wmyco") != -1) // #34 wood myconid
return "c_ancom_wmyco";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "felion") != -1) // #35 female lion
return "c_ancom_felion";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "malion") != -1) // #36 male lion
return "c_ancom_malion";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "dmt") != -1) // #37 dinosaur
return "c_ancom_dmt";
// #38 : dire badger
// #39 : dire bear
// #40 : dire boar
// #41 : dire wolf
// #42 : dire wolverine
// #43 : dire rat
// #44 : dire spider
// #45 : celestial dire bear!
// #46 : giant scorpion
// #47 : giant ant
if (FindSubString(sTag, "shambling") != -1) // #48 shambling mound
return "c_ancom_shamblingm";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "winter") != -1) // #49 winter wolf, UNVERIFIED.
return "c_ancom_winter_wolf";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "worg") != -1) // #50 worg
return "c_ancom_worg";
if (FindSubString(sTag, "basilisk") != -1) // #51 basilisk
return "c_ancom_basilisk";
// #52 : umberhulk
// #53 : glow spider
// #54 : phase spider
// #55 : snow spider
// #56 : manticore
if (FindSubString(sTag, "gcube") != -1) // #57 gelatinous cube
return "c_ancom_gcube";
// #58 - 68 : not used.
if (FindSubString(sTag, "toki") != -1) // #69 Toki of Caerbannog
return "c_acp_toki";
return ""; // not found
// private.
int kL_GetTier(object oCaster, int bEleType, int bTotalLevel)
if (bEleType)
return (kL_GetCasterTier(oCaster, bTotalLevel) + 2) / 6 + 1;
return kL_GetCasterTier(oCaster, bTotalLevel) / 3 + 1;
// private.
int kL_GetCasterTier(object oCaster, int bTotalLevel = FALSE)
if (bTotalLevel)
return GetTotalLevels(oCaster, FALSE);
int iTier = 0;
if ( GetHasFeat(1835, oCaster) // Animal Domain Cleric (yep, all 3 of them.)
|| GetHasFeat( 312, oCaster)
|| GetHasFeat(1520, oCaster))
iTier += GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_CLERIC, oCaster);
int iClass = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_RANGER, oCaster);
if (iClass > 3) iTier += (iClass - 3);
iTier += GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_DRUID, oCaster);
iTier += GetLevelByClass(CLASS_LION_TALISID, oCaster);
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_DEVOTED_TRACKER, oCaster))
iClass = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_PALADIN, oCaster);
if (iClass > 4) iTier += (iClass - 4);
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_TELTHOR_COMPANION, oCaster))
iClass = GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_SPIRIT_SHAMAN, oCaster);
if (iClass > 3) iTier += (iClass - 3);
if ((iClass = GetHitDice(oCaster)) > iTier
&& (iTier += 6) > iClass)
iTier = iClass;
else if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_NATURAL_BOND, oCaster))
if ((iClass = GetHitDice(oCaster)) > iTier
&& (iTier += 3) > iClass)
iTier = iClass;
iTier += 3;
return iTier;
// private.
void kL_ApplyFeatEffects(object oAniCo, object oCaster)
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_SILVER_FANG, oCaster))
object oWeapon;
for (; iSlot != INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR; ++iSlot)
if (GetIsObjectValid(oWeapon = GetItemInSlot(iSlot, oAniCo)))
string sTag = GetTag(oAniCo);
if (FindSubString(sTag, "blue") != -1 || FindSubString(sTag, "bronze") != -1) // is Dragon
effect eEffect = EffectImmunity(IMMUNITY_TYPE_SNEAK_ATTACK);
eEffect = SupernaturalEffect(eEffect);
DelayCommand(0.f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eEffect, oAniCo));
else if (FindSubString(sTag, "ele") != -1) // is Elemental
effect eEffect = EffectSetScale(0.3f);
eEffect = SupernaturalEffect(eEffect);
DelayCommand(0.f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eEffect, oAniCo));
int iHd = GetHitDice(oAniCo);
effect eSr = EffectSpellResistanceIncrease(iHd + 5);
int bExalted = FALSE;
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_EXALTED_COMPANION, oCaster))
bExalted = TRUE;
effect eLink;
int iPower;
if (iHd > 11) iPower = 10; // Reduct power ->
else iPower = 5;
effect eReduct = EffectDamageReduction(iPower, DAMAGE_POWER_PLUS_ONE);
if (iHd > 7) iPower = 10; // Resist power ->
else iPower = 5;
switch (GetAlignmentGoodEvil(oCaster))
case ALIGNMENT_GOOD: // Celestial ->
AdjustAlignment(oAniCo, ALIGNMENT_GOOD, 100);
effect eCold = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD, iPower);
effect eFire = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, iPower);
effect eElec = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_ELECTRICAL, iPower);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eCold, eFire);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eElec);
effect eSef = EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("fx_exalted_celestial", oAniCo);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSef);
case ALIGNMENT_NEUTRAL: // Abnormal ->
AdjustAlignment(oAniCo, ALIGNMENT_NEUTRAL, 50);
effect eCold = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD, iPower);
effect eFire = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, iPower);
effect eSonc = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC, iPower);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eCold, eFire);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSonc);
effect eSef = EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("fx_exalted_abnormal", oAniCo);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSef);
case ALIGNMENT_EVIL: // Fiendish ->
AdjustAlignment(oAniCo, ALIGNMENT_EVIL, 100);
effect eCold = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD, iPower);
effect eFire = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE, iPower);
effect eAcid = EffectDamageResistance(DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID, iPower);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eCold, eFire);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eAcid);
effect eSef = EffectNWN2SpecialEffectFile("fx_exalted_fiendish", oAniCo);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSef);
effect eDarkVision = EffectDarkVision();
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eDarkVision);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSr);
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eReduct);
eLink = SupernaturalEffect(eLink);
DelayCommand(0.f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eLink, oAniCo));
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_DEVOTED_TRACKER, oCaster)) // Paladin L5
FeatAdd(oAniCo, FEAT_DASH, FALSE);
effect eLink = EffectACIncrease(2);
if (!bExalted && GetLevelByClass(CLASS_TYPE_PALADIN, oCaster) > 14)
eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eLink, eSr);
eLink = SupernaturalEffect(eLink);
DelayCommand(0.f, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eLink, oAniCo));
maybe SoZ uses its own script for the DinosaurCompanion idk … am just saying if you want to look into it, that’s the sequence ( 'cause apparently what you got now aint workin quite right… )