Just when I think I am resolved of all module issues, my wife finds another. This time a problem similar to something that happened before, but something I would like to understand better. Here is the issue …
I have a monster which starts as “NEUTRAL” faction (my own named faction), which is set as 50 towards the PLAYER and 50 towards HOSTILES.
This works fine to begin with, and allows the players to speak with the monster, while also not being attacked by the HOSTILE faction creatures.
Next, HOSTILE faction monsters spawn nearby and the PCs attack these newly spawned hostile creatures.
The first monster remains NEUTRAL but after a few rounds of the PCs attacking the nearby HOSTILES, this NEUTRAL monster has a sudden REPUTATION drop with the players and becomes hostile to them while remaining NEUTRAL faction. This sudden reputation change thereafter breaks further NEUTRAL reliant faction contacts.
I don’t believe the attack has been triggered by anything I have scripted, but I am going to go through the code to double-check all potential “attack” issues just in case.
It may also be something to do with proximity, as I have not always experienced the issue. It appears to occur if the players attack creatures near to this NEUTRAL creature. Does it witness the attacks and have a reputation change in favour of the hostiles?
I have not yet been unable to change the reputation back using ClearPersonalReputation or even appear to adjust it back into favour using AdjustReputation. (I will keep investigating this, as I have managed to do something similar before.)
So, does anyone have a better understanding of what may be happening here?