Anyone knows a site to crop images for Tchos' mod?

So i love this mod.
Only problem that it uses different portrait size than vanilla nwn 2,
The mod uses 256x400 image size aka nwn 1 huge without unused section of the portrait and standard nwn 2 uses 128x128 pixels.
So i cannot use to create portraits.
Anyone knows any tool that can crop images that for example can eliminate not used version of nwn 1 huge portrait. nwn 1 portrait size - 256x512 canvas; upper 256x400 used.
I know i could do it manually in gimp.
I am wondering if anyone a faster way or is there a site or online tool that would allow me crop image to specific size.
Thanks for the info,

When I need to handle images I use Gimp and sites that rework images with AI, But I still need to work with gimp after

I am looking for site that would crop images to this 256x400 resolution. Most of my stored images are much larger.
Unfortunately, when i try to use sites like , it doesn’t allow to select an area and then choose image size. Area selected is restricted to image size so for example i have this 8k image, when i input width and height aka 256x400, it just select small area.
When i use this notra site for specific games i can select an area and crop it specific image size.
I am kinda looking for something similar but the image size is restricted to specific games.
I am looking for a site that would allow me to input my desired image size after selecting area i want to crop to.
Notra does this for specific games and resolution.
So if i want to create nwn 1 portrait i have go through 5 stages of image crop. When i want to create wrath of the righteous portrait i have to go through 3 stages and when i want to create tyranny portrait i have to go through 2 states of image crop.

Just as Shallina, I use Gimp for that all the time. I always use Tchos’ mod too for my modules/campaigns. If I have an image that’s not the correct format, I crop, post to new image, and then I rescale it to 256x400. It’s not that hard.

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I didn’t say it was hard but rather time consuming.

If you dont want to trust the online resizers, there are options for batch coverting images to the right size:
The windows powertoy allows you to set custom sizes in addition to it’s default options

Irfanview also offers batch resizing

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I wouldn’t call it that i do not trust, they just fail to do the job properly.
I do not want a resize utility.
I want a utility that allows me to create images from a given image/picture by selecting an area and then the selected area should be crop down to image size i want.
Here is an example of what I want.

This image has a resolution of 8192x8192.
I do not want the whole image to be crop to different resolution, if i do that without setting a proper aspect ratio the received image will look strange.
i want a selected part of the image to be crop down.
As i said i do not want a resize image tool. i have it already.
Those online tools allow me to change aspect ratio but i cannot set custom aspect ratio which is i need for this mod.
I hope this explains everything.

That’s a two step process. Crop, and resize.
Cut and paste the crop into a new window, then resize as desired. Any decent resizing tool in image software will have the option to break the ratio and set whatever ratio you want, as shown in the “Maintain aspect ratio” checkbox shown below (from Paint.Net).

I’d crop all the images you want to use into new image files, then use the batch resizing options.


@kamal - This is exactly how I do it, although I use Gimp instead of It’s really quite easy.


I just use a regular photo cropper/resizer and it fits and works every time???