Anyone Tried This? Just Curious

For a long time I have had a link to Adventure Author, apparently a teachers adventure creator for
NwN 2. While it appears as though the last post on this site was back in 2011, 12+ years ago, the site still exists and the Beta is apparently still available to download, as are a load of other materials. Being a Beta, I have no idea how good or otherwise this is. But I thought I would share the link.

So what do you think? Any good? Any use for people learning to make modules in NwN 2?

Over to you.



Any comments or am I asking too early?


Apparently the goal is to add some plugins / modify some others to make the toolset suitable for children aged between 10 and 14 years. For example, the conversations are now handled with textboxes and buttons to “add choices” instead of just adding lines, or you can use a menu to add a note (like a post-it).

But I didn’t install it (and won’t) because you’re also supposed to overwrite your own settings so I can’t tell you more than that (what I found above comes from the various pdf files from the site).


Having been at inservice courses on this with Judy Robertson way back, I can vouch for the fact that it was really easy to use and a great idea. Was it not based on Scriptease or was it the other way round? Anyway, great idea and was trialled but I think technology generally in schools at that time proved a bit flaky.


I remember looking at this on YT and thinking it was great . . . :grinning: It used NWN as well. I’d download it for old times sake but its located on Github and never understood that !

Mind you, with AI we’re maybe coming back to this way of doing stuff.

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