In the event you are a member of the community and would like to create a new blog entry, or edit a previous one you had posted and are no longer able, please let me know. You may do so here simply by responding, or DM me via the Vault system.
After becoming fed up with spammers from India using the Blog feature to post links and advertisements, I raised the access to Blog.
Although many older members have the Author permission status to post Blogs, many new and active members may not. So, friendly heads up that I can assist you if need be.
Props to our own Jimdad55 for sending me a DM about their access, and don’t forget to check out their own blogs.
List of all Blogs on the site - Blogs | The Neverwinter Vault
EDIT: All 18 pages of Blog entries for those authors, have been given the Author role if it was not available.