Bounties for players

Does anyone know of a bounty-hunter system?

Basically am contemplating to create a system or use an system that is already in place.

The idea behind it is:

  • A board/area where players can check for bounties.
  • The placeable will be checking the player’s lvl and if he/she is at the right minimum lvl the quest becomes visible for them in a dialogue.
  • Also want to create some consequence for it to happen but this can be easily done afterwards
  • I want this to be designed in a PW kinda way as my module that I am currently building is having exactly that in mind.

So just wanted to check if there was something similar already created that I could build on/from. I have exactly 0 scripting skills…well might have lvled it up to lvl 1 by now but still am very much a novice :wink:

There’s a stock script in NWN2 to check for level in dialogue. I would think it would work in NWN1 also:

// gc_check_level
    This script checks to see if the PC's level is equal to or greater than a value
        nLevel  = The tag name you want to check to see if the PC has
        nMP     = If in MP - set this to 1 if you want to make sure all players are
                  the appropriate level
// FAB 10/5

int StartingConditional(int nLevel, int nMP)

    object oPC = GetPCSpeaker();

    if ( nMP == 0 )
        if ( GetHitDice(oPC) >= nLevel ) return TRUE;
        oPC = GetFirstPC();
        while( GetIsObjectValid(oPC) )
            if( GetHitDice(oPC) < nLevel ) return FALSE;
            oPC = GetNextPC();
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

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thanks man you are my hero! <3

So MP is the value then I suppose no?

@Dragonqueeny did you check in these for such a system -

I am not making any guarantees that such a system is in any of these but a bounty board system does sound like something that may well be in at least one of them. Note - Of the FAQs, the one most likely to have such a thing would be the “Neverwinter Nights Newbie FAQ #2”.

Also, just in case you think it is all about stuff that I worked on, you may want to check out these too -


You have to excuse me, but I don’t really understand the question here. If this is a multiplayer campaign/module and you want to check if each of the players are of the appropriate level then you set nMP to 1.

basically I cannot see the line where you can change the lvl check really…

Eh…ok. I’ll try and explain better. Just give me a few minutes to find my NWN installation and the toolset (I only ever use the NWN2 toolset and game nowadays).

Uuggh! Ok, I can’t get this to work in the NWN toolset since I don’t know how that works when it comes to StartingConditionals. I will just have to show you how it is done in NWN2 instead. Sorry! You will just have to figure that stuff out yourself, I’m afraid.

This script is a StartingConditional script. In the slot in the dialogue (which I couldn’t find in the NWN toolset) where you see nLevel you write what level the player/players has to have. In the slot with the nMP you write “1” if you want to check all players (if it’s multiplayer) for them to have that level.

I feel like always when I try to help people with scripting, with my extremely limited scripting knowledge, something goes wrong. :slightly_frowning_face:

Ok, when trying with Lilac Soul’s Script Generator instead (to get a feel for the way NWN1 does it) I get a feeling that there are no slots to put nLevel and nMP when in dialogue. Is that true?

Trying my best to understand NWN1 a bit more, maybe you could do a code like this if you use multiplayer?
Here I am checking for level 3 (change for the level you want to check for):

int StartingConditional()

        object oPC = GetFirstPC();
        while( GetIsObjectValid(oPC) )
        //Change the "<3" to something else. If you need the players to be at least level 5 it should say "<5"
            if( GetHitDice(oPC) < 3 ) return FALSE;
            oPC = GetNextPC();
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;


If you only want to check for singleplayer and one player character, I think you should write it like this:
Again I set the level to 3. Change that to the level you want, of course.

int StartingConditional()

        object oPC = GetFirstPC();

        if ( GetHitDice(oPC) >= 3 ) return TRUE;

    return FALSE;


Maybe this will actually help you. At least I hope it will.

The Wyvern Crown of Cormyr has a bounty board in it iirc you may want to check it out Dragonqueeny.

I don’t have it and after the installer it only says I can have the demo >.<

@Dragonqueeny Did the scripts I posted here work for you?

Edit: Have you tried using Lilac Soul’s Script Generator? I think you’d be helped by that if you need certain scripts.

I currently use Commoner-Killer Penalty by Huntsman

basically it adds a player consequence when killing commoners and i use it on my server against evil players. So far its a little buggy at times since it adds hostile npc’s but this has everything you’d need in a system: bounty board listing players names, consequences based on evil hostile actions, npcs bounty hunters (which ultimately can be erased in favour of “police” npcs searching for criminals in towns etc

yeah I checked, thanks for all this man! The reason why I asked here was to see if there was something I could build off from. So I got a base but thank you so much. I got so many good suggetions and will be checking them out asap!

I have been a bit busy IRL but thanks all for the suggestions and amazing help!

this was not exactly what I was looking for but it does give a great extra flavor for RP! Thanks!