Caltrops VFX and SEF files

There is no visual effect for caltrops, as in NWN1.
In the VisualEffects 2da the fields for row 319 (VFX_DUR_CALTROPS) are all empty, none are populated with an .sef.

I don’t see .sef files in my installation, so not sure how they’re even stored or accessed. Are they compressed in some file?

Is this caltrops sef in the game files, but just mistakenly left out of the 2da?

All VFX with a ref in the 2DA are accessible in the toolset.

You need to load the the toolset with a 2DA where the VFX you want is referenced in order to be able to access them.

It’s not beceause a VFX is referenced that it exists, and not beceause it exists that it is referenced. It seems you are hoping for the second option where you’d have only to edit the 2DA for it to be able to use it.

ALL the “default VFX” are stored in the 3 NWN2_VFX zip files in the data folder of your installation.

If you dont find in there what you want, it means you have to get it. Either by finding some custom “VFX” which match what you want or by doing it yourself (this is possible but require some extra_knowledge).

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Thank you, Shallina.
That was what I needed to know - the archives NWN2_VFX, -1 and -2 that hold all these vfx files.

And looking through the three VFX archives, it doesn’t appear they’ve included the sef for caltrops, which explains why the entry is set REMOVED=1 in the spells.2da.
oh well…

Perhaps the spike trap f/x would serve?


I do love the spikes and sound of that fx.

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