Can anyone share, with 2 files: original english dialog.TLK, and dialogf.TLK

Can anyone share, with 2 files: original english dialog.TLK, and dialogf.TLK, from Neverwinter Nights 2 Version 1.023 (1765) Final Aug 17 2009 - 17:29:45, from main folder NWN2? Need for normal, original englsh translate game NWN2… Can not found in internet… Only from Kaedrin PRC Packs, but i think, it is fixed, maybe… Thanks in advance! Can in PM, or here, how you wish…

Or if Kaedrin’s PrC Pack v1.42.1, have original english(Not fixed) dialog.TLK? Then not need, but Kaedrin’s PrC Pack v1.42.1 not have dialogf.TLK, though…

Thanks in advance!

Dialog.Tlk in the PrC Pack should be identical to the stock English version up to (very roughly) entry 250000.

I believe Kaedrin merely adds entries after the stock entries (without changing the stock entries) to support his prestige classes/feats/spells

( that is, nothing is ‘fixed’ in it – only added )


I think dialogf is not necessary for English, it’s basically for languages which agree in gender and number.

For example:

  • English: “I’d like to be alone” works for male and female characters.
  • French: “J’aimerais être seul” is only for a male speaker, a female speaker would say “J’aimerais être seule”.