Can I import a custom class into whole campaigns?

Hello, Vault!

I like this class

I am a little surprised to think that I need to repeat the installation steps given for every module (37 in the official campaigns) individually. Could somebody please confirm before I do that? Thank you!

I don’t think you would necessarily need to. I know little about haks but the hak content might work from the campaign folder. If the module scripts are the only things that need to be changed in the modules, then I would look at what scripts the OC modules are using currently and create modified versions of those that include whatever special logic the custom ones have, then compile those new scripts and put them in the OC campaign folder. Modifying every OC module sounds like a bad idea to me.

Thank you! I really like your SoZ-updates of the campaigns.

By the way, you don’t happen to tag appropriate creatures as “spirits” in your mods so that the Spirit Shaman can use his abilities, do you? I guess I should just play an SS and check that myself.

I appreciate your reply, but I don’t think I understand it. Where can I read about “look at what scripts the OC modules are using currently and create modified versions of those that include whatever special logic the custom ones have, then compile those new scripts and put them in the OC campaign folder. Modifying every OC module sounds like a bad idea to me.”?

There are already existing class upgrades, and they are extensively scripted. They were originally designed to work with the OC and some with the expacs 1 & 2.

I will look up the links but checking on the vault content pages should render results.

However, the class you are asking about is a bit new to my memory, and it is quite possible it is not a part of any of them.

However again, there may be suitable alternatives that exist in < D&D 4.0 packages already in existence.

So as an aside but intrinsic to my line of thought, is that there were bugs in those extensively scripted systems - but there are bugs in the OC and EXP 1 & 2 as well that were never officially corrected.

So you already have seen that idea through KS’s updates.

Good Gaming to you. :metal:

[look up “PRC NWN2”]

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looks like a great class … i wish it had better technical documentation

The OC modules use the k_mod_player_rest, k_mod_levelup, and k_mod_heartbeat scripts. These scripts would need to be modified to either execute the custom_rest, custom_levelup, and custom_heartbeat scripts or include their code. The custom scripts are in the erf. No other scripts should need modification.

The issue with a hak file I believe is that they need to be added to each module, rather than being able to be added to the campaign. That is why I suggest extracting the hak contents and putting them in the campaign folder instead. However, my recollection is that there are some 2da’s that will only work in a hak so perhaps this will not work for this class. I personally have always avoided hak’s so I have no expertise with them, only what I have read.

I can try to look at this closer this weekend with no guarantees. But what would be best would be for the class author to do so.

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Ok, thanks for the replies, all!

Morbane, is your post referring to my finding campaign creatures marked as spirits?

Kaldor Silverwand, I had no imagination of being able to contact the author and I assumed this was a problem that other custom classes faced, so I asked here. I am understanding now that it’s a fairly niche question, so I have now messaged the author to try my luck there :slight_smile:

If you should get time to look this weekend, I’d be grateful for your efforts.

Whoa! The modder replied already. With the 2015 mod posting (on a different site at the time), I didn’t imagine messaging him would work! My bad.

In case he wants to keep the details under his hat, I can say that he was already working on this class again.


Its not so much a niche question as the fact that non-stock classes require several far reaching tweaks

Oh, I see. My only experience with NWN2 custom classes is through Kaedrin’s.