Original fulll text, original files from old Bioware forums, and my request here(By SUgo77 Tue, 2021-01-19 07:30 [#15]):
But, I’ll copy the full text of my request, and to this thread, just in case:
I’m very bad at it, someone can give back page from old forum Bioware, page number 2, with information, in this topic, me need it for got full information, and end of discution about mechanics(Damage Reduction, Damage Resistance), it’s was so rinteresting for me read first page,and can’r move to page 2… Even from Waybcak Machine…
Link on page 1(Original)(Posted: Monday, 07 December 2009 11:37PM, By User: Mick Marner)(It’s works fine):
Link on page 2(With Last Message, by User: puiwaihin, who Posted: 12/11/09 14:08). on 19.01.2021 year, it’s not works…
Also, you can see both pages in this link(In theme Damage Reduction Vs Damage Resistance), but work only page 1 of 2…:
But, maybe, someone can give back it from old files in this theme(And files in this theme\Topic by Author Baaleos: |nwn2.7z (144)|18.79 MB|
| — | — |
| biowaremaster.7z| ), or maybe from this links:
Maybe Author Baaleos can do it, but, last his visit was in 2017, how i see…(Maybe wrong), or someone else can do it?! Who understand in it…(I’m totally not understand in it+my PC, and Windows 7 too old for it, i think…)
Main target, it’s give back page 2(Do this webpage again working now, in our days), and then i will be totally happy!(On this moment 19.01.2021, only on half), If will be can read full that old thread, with not bad technique information about how correct works Damage Reduction, and Damage Resistance in mechanics DnD RPG NWN2…
Because in NWN2 wikia, one human saiid, better for understand read both pages…(On this moemnt, on 19.01.2021, i can read only 1 of 2 pages…) So, information not full, and can not see end, result or consensus of their not bad intellectual discussion, dialogue about this theme Damage Reduction, Damage Resistance…
I lost on it almost one week, and not got result, how can give back page 2…(Because, i’m totally not understand in it+my PC, and Windows 7 too old for it, i think…)
But, if someone can do it, and will be do it, i will be totally happy!
Thanks, in advacne!
Sorry my bad english…" © By SUgo77 Tue, 2021-01-19 07:30 [#15]
As I wrote above, unfortunately I don’t understand in it but I really want to return the original …
I tried on my own, but nothing came of it, maybe someone who understands in it and understands something in this, then he will be succeed in it, and he will be able to share the result?
Thanks in advance…