CEP version 2.64 is available for anyone to download.
It includes some fixes for things that were brought to my attention, additional creator credits visible in the toolset, updated names for a bunch of the optional doors (in cep2_add_doors.hak), and a bunch of new waypoints for builders to use.
You can get it as a full download or just the updated files if you already have CEP 2.63.
Builders: As always, don’t forget to back up your cep2_build and cep2_custom haks if you have anything in those!
Have fun.
It may take a few minutes to appear, but I uploaded the entire CEP (both CEP 2.64 and CEP 1) to the Steam Workshop. I was planning on waiting until EE is out of beta, but I already had the files copied into the right folders from packing up 2.64 and quite a few people were asking for it.
Only took 1 1/2 to 2 hours to upload. Now it’s 2:20 am and I’m going to sleep.
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Gah. Don’t bother trying to get it from Steam Workshop yet. It looks like there may be a 2GB limit, and everything for the CEP(s) is almost 6 GB.
Hopefully, Beamdog can get the limit raised for the NWN:EE workshop or something. If not, the Vault will remain the sole source for the CEP.
Yeah, I was on my way to bed, then saw the file size problem… sigh
OK. Did a test download (aka, “subscribed”) of the Steam Workshop version. Dug up where that stuff is stored (yes, it’s a duplicate download if you want to play NWN:EE via Steam), and it turns out it’s the full 5.95 GB (even though the Steam Workshop page says it’s 2 GB).
I then immediately unsubscribed and it deleted the files, freeing up that unnecessary use of disk space (you know, because I’ve already got the duplicate for uploading to the workshop in the first place, outside of my regular installation).
So, yeah. You can get the CEP from the Vault and Steam Workshop now. Just keep in mind that the workshop version only works for running NWN:EE via Steam.
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