For me, there’s standard and then there’s the eventual inventory.
Standard inventory is what I have before I head out into a quest/dungeon, after I’m sorted my loot, whether I stashed, sold, dumped, or distributed it. I basically only gave everybody things they have equipped and healing potions depending on the point we are in the game, along with any items that matter to them personally (Neeshka’s coin, Bishop’s dagger, Grobnar’s kazoo). I also gave them ammo if they used ranged weapons, but those were only Bishop, Grobnar, and my KC.
In more recent playthroughs, I collected a few charged magical items but hardly ever used them, and I only had scrolls for adding them into everybody’s spellbooks later. And by everybody, I mean my KC, Sand, and Amie.
Oh yeah, I make Amie live because I have a narrative for how the story goes in my head, and she lives in it.
Anyway, I didn’t keep wands unless they had unlimited/daily charges because I was stupid like that, never knew I could restock the charges because I hardly understood D&D or NWN2 at the time. And even though in more recent playthroughs I collected thrown items (Holy Water, Alchemist’s Fire, and so on), I basically never used them because I was lazy like that.
To sum it up, aside from my KC, everyone’s inventories are super barren, with basically nothing on them aside from their equipment, personal belongings, healing potions (10 each, a full stack), and ammo for just Bishop and Grobnar.
If that doesn’t tell you why I’m trying to change, I don’t think you’ll get it.
Also, the post-quest/dungeon inventory is whatever anybody gets first, because I have them all on auto-loot, so every time a battle ends, they scatter to pick up loot. If anyone’s encumbered, he with the most strength (Khelgar or Construct) carries the most until his limit is reached, then we go to the second strongest, and so on. Even distribution to make sure nobody’s encumbered.
That only matters a few times, because only after the warehouse, the orc quest, the gem mines, and maybe the dragon hoard do you get encumbered. The first 2, you should only sell to Sand by that point, because he’s your gold mine in Act 1, and any other case is solved by quicksaving then loading said quicksave to have the encumbered party members where you want them to be.