Cloth color bug

Hello, I wonder if anyone can help me with a bug.
So I reinstalled the game with a latest patch and there seems to be a problem with displaying extra colors added way back (I think) in 1.69 patch.
Here is how it looks. Have anyone seen that before? I couldn’t find anything like that.

So from what I gathered bug affects:

  • Non-metal OG and CEP clothing and cloaks. Metalic parts display just fine.
  • I can see that silvery glitch on some original head’s hair when its bright white.
    I have CEP 2.7 and mods, but mods are 90% modules, no graphic enhancements, unless they were installed with a mod. In override folder moslty some head mdl and plt files.
    Ty in advance for any help :slight_smile:

See PLT - Neverwinter Nights 1: EE - and make sure those image files (i.e. mv_palskin.whatever) aren’t being overridden. There’s some cc with the old 64 color list, there’s some with more and the order may be different.

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That worked, thank you! I didn’t expect a reply so soon and that turned out to be an easy fix.
Thats great, thanks again :smile: