Cold breath - need help (RESOLVED)

Hello everyone again…

I looked at getting the cold breath to work in my cold environment that I downloaded fro here:

The one Cestus Dei - Foggy Breath effect made

I can’t get it to work …ugh

His script for it is:

  // Apply Fogbreath VFX
  object oPC = GetFirstPC();
  effect eFogBref = EffectVisualEffect( 780, FALSE );
  eFogBref = ExtraordinaryEffect(eFogBref);
  ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eFogBref, oPC);

Instead of l EffectVisualEffect( 780, FALSE )
I use the VFX_FNF_SMOKE_PUFF in place of his line reference to 780, but all I get is a puff rise up from the ground.

My line 780 on my vfx 2da is something completely different. Is there a vfx I’m missing?

I found this script below that does a smoking effect that might work but can’t blend it with my script:

location GetLocationAboveAndInFrontOf(object oPC, float fDist, float fHeight)
    float fDistance = -fDist;
    object oTarget = (oPC);
    object oArea = GetArea(oTarget);
    vector vPosition = GetPosition(oTarget);
    vPosition.z += fHeight;
    float fOrientation = GetFacing(oTarget);
    vector vNewPos = AngleToVector(fOrientation);
    float vZ = vPosition.z;
    float vX = vPosition.x - fDistance * vNewPos.x;
    float vY = vPosition.y - fDistance * vNewPos.y;
    fOrientation = GetFacing(oTarget);
    vX = vPosition.x - fDistance * vNewPos.x;
    vY = vPosition.y - fDistance * vNewPos.y;
    vNewPos = AngleToVector(fOrientation);
    vZ = vPosition.z;
    vNewPos = Vector(vX, vY, vZ);
    return Location(oArea, vNewPos, fOrientation);

void SmokePipe(object oActivator)
    string sEmote1 = "*puffs on a pipe*";
    string sEmote2 = "*inhales from a pipe*";
    string sEmote3 = "*pulls a mouthful of smoke from a pipe*";
    float fHeight = 1.7;
    float fDistance = 0.1;
    // Set height based on race and gender
    if (GetGender(oActivator) == GENDER_MALE)
        switch (GetRacialType(oActivator))
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HUMAN:
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFELF:
                fHeight = 1.7;
                fDistance = 0.12;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_ELF:
                fHeight = 1.55;
                fDistance = 0.08;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_GNOME:
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFLING:
                fHeight = 1.15;
                fDistance = 0.12;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_DWARF:
                fHeight = 1.2;
                fDistance = 0.12;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFORC:
                fHeight = 1.9;
                fDistance = 0.2;
        // FEMALES
        switch (GetRacialType(oActivator))
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HUMAN:
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFELF:
                fHeight = 1.6;
                fDistance = 0.12;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_ELF:
                fHeight = 1.45;
                fDistance = 0.12;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_GNOME:
            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFLING:
                fHeight = 1.1;
                fDistance = 0.075;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_DWARF:
                fHeight = 1.2;
                fDistance = 0.1;

            case RACIAL_TYPE_HALFORC:
                fHeight = 1.8;
                fDistance = 0.13;

    location lAboveHead = GetLocationAboveAndInFrontOf(oActivator, fDistance, fHeight);

    // emotes
    switch (d3())
        case 1:
            AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionSpeakString(sEmote1));

        case 2:
            AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionSpeakString(sEmote2));

        case 3:
            AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionSpeakString(sEmote3));

    // glow red
    AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionDoCommand(ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_DUR_LIGHT_RED_5), oActivator, 0.15)));

    // wait a moment
    AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionWait(3.0));

    // puff of smoke above and in front of head
    AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionDoCommand(ApplyEffectAtLocation(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_FNF_SMOKE_PUFF), lAboveHead)));

    // if female, turn head to left
    if ((GetGender(oActivator) == GENDER_FEMALE) && (GetRacialType(oActivator) != RACIAL_TYPE_DWARF))
        AssignCommand(oActivator, ActionPlayAnimation(ANIMATION_FIREFORGET_HEAD_TURN_LEFT, 1.0, 5.0));

    // funky effect
    //ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectParalyze(), oActivator);

My script on my On Enter in my Events to an area is:

//                             Cold of Winter                                 //
//                            sl_winter_onente                                //
//                 Author :sly777 for Land of Cheshire                        //
//               special thanks to xanas our lead scripter                    //
//                   for helping  make this cleaner :)                        //

//put on enter area you want winter effect //
void coldofwinter(object oPC,object oArea);

void main()

  // Apply Fogbreath VFX
  object oPC = GetFirstPC();
  effect eFogBref = EffectVisualEffect( VFX_FNF_SMOKE_PUFF, FALSE );
  eFogBref = ExtraordinaryEffect(eFogBref);
  ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eFogBref, oPC);

    if(!GetIsPC(oPC)) return;
    object oArea=OBJECT_SELF;
    int nIntensity = GetLocalInt(oArea, "Intensity");
    if(nIntensity == 0) return;

    SetLocalInt(oPC,"Intensity", nIntensity);
    SendMessageToPC(oPC, "Its very cold and windy ");

void coldofwinter(object oPC,object oArea)
    int nInventorySlot;
    int nTotalIntensity;
    int AC;
    effect eDmg;
    effect slow;
    object oItem;
    string sTag;
    float fDist;
    if (GetArea(oPC)==oArea)
        if (GetIsNight()==TRUE) nTotalIntensity+=3;// colder at night
        if (GetIsDay()==TRUE) nTotalIntensity-=4;// warmer in the day
        if (GetWeather(oArea)==WEATHER_SNOW) nTotalIntensity-=2;//warmer if its snowing
        if (GetWeather(oArea)==WEATHER_RAIN) nTotalIntensity+=4;//colder if its raining

        oItem =GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_BOOTS,oPC);//check for special boots
        sTag=GetTag(oItem) ;
        if (sTag=="warmboots") nTotalIntensity-=2;
        if (sTag=="winterboots") nTotalIntensity-=4;

        oItem =GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_ARMS,oPC);//check for special gloves
        sTag=GetTag(oItem) ;
        if (sTag=="warmgloves") nTotalIntensity-=2;
        if (sTag=="wintergloves") nTotalIntensity-=4;

        oItem =GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD,oPC);//check for special headgear
        sTag=GetTag(oItem) ;
        if (sTag=="warmhat") nTotalIntensity-=2;
        if (sTag=="winterhat") nTotalIntensity-=4;

        oItem=GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST,oPC);//check if pc wear something or heavy armor
        if (AC >= 4) nTotalIntensity+=2;
        else if (nInventorySlot=1) nTotalIntensity+=4;

            oItem=GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK,oPC);//check for special cloaks
            if (sTag=="warmcloak") nTotalIntensity-=2;
            else if (sTag=="wintercloak") nTotalIntensity-=4;
        oItem=GetNearestObjectByTag("Campfire",oPC,1);//check for fire nearby
        if (oItem!=OBJECT_INVALID)
            SendMessageToPC(oPC, "The fire seems to make you warmer but you still risk freezing being exposed out here as you are.");
            if (fDist<1.0) nTotalIntensity-=8;
            else if (fDist<3.0) nTotalIntensity-=3;
            else if (fDist<5.0) nTotalIntensity-=2;
            SetLocalInt(oPC, "nsavethrow", 0);

        SetLocalInt (oPC,"nsavethrow",GetLocalInt(oPC, "nsavethrow")+1);//get the saving throw harder with time
        int time = 15 + GetLocalInt(oPC,"nsavethrow");//saving throw vs cold (fortitude save)
        if (FortitudeSave(oPC, time, SAVING_THROW_TYPE_COLD ))

            if (nTotalIntensity <= 6)ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY,slow,oPC,30.1f);
            else if (nTotalIntensity >= 7)ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT,eDmg,oPC,1.0);
            SendMessageToPC(oPC,"This environment is very cold.");
           } // do cold damage or speed decrease
      } // end areaofpc = area

Any help would be great as I would like this effect.

This is the place you should look. What do you have at 780 in your 2da? Using VFX_FNF_SMOKE_PUFF which is a totally different effect and expecting it work seems… random.
Probably need to add the right effect to your 2da and then use that line number.

Edit: I was going to take a look at the CCC original but it’s black text, which on a dark theme is useless. So not going to bother… why, people, why?? Just use the default text color and it reverses fine in the dark theme.

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Hi meaglyn,

Thanks for responding…

Line 780 on my vfx 2da is:

Also, not sure what you mean:

““Edit: I was going to take a look at the CCC original but it’s black text, which on a dark theme is useless. So not going to bother… why, people, why?? Just use the default text color and it reverses fine in the dark theme.””

I just copied the link to the cc content it is found in

I resolved it…

I did not notice that there was a vfx 2da in that cc content in another folder. So I took the line from that and put it in my 2da.

Thanks bud for at least your input. :slight_smile:

My point was that you put in a different effect and expected the cold breath and seemed surprised it didn’t work. And that you should find the right effect line from the CCC, which you have done.

The comment about the black text was not directed at you but at people who specifically use dark text instead of the defaults. Your link was fine :slight_smile: What I was saying was I would have looked into the ccc to see if there was a 2da line you were missing but didn’t feel like working around the invisible text issue.

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Thanks or clarifying.