Collision Boundaries on placeables (RESOLVED)

But that is the one I did download before. It is only for nwn 1.69
I am more dumb than you…lol

Are you sure you can’t use it for NWN:EE too?

I can’t find those resref for the placeables in there…or I’m bind…lol

He sent me a word document that he did for me - a step-by-step…but I think he missed the first menu…that is where I’m lost…not sure where to look in the initial window below:

I like to learn…but Mmat forgets I’m a simpleton…my brain does not run fast as his brain works…lol

Use the Search function

Clicked on Search under the exploration button…nothing

Where is that? I can’t find that.

Sorry meant resources tab

I am missing which section you clicked on first? ie.main data?

Yeah, I didn’t know which section, but checking what everything said, I deemed the Main Data to be the most logical one. As you see in the pictuare I posted, I found your first placeable there. However, I am of course not sure if this is the right one, or if you have another one with the same name in your override folder or a hak or something.

ugh…when I click on “main data” then click on the tab resources then search…nothing pops up…am I missing something?

And you searched for


like I did?

I get nothing when I click on search field to type anything

Eh…ok. I’ll try and make a short video how I do it before going to bed.

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EDIT: (Video removed)

@Imtherealthing - I hope this helps. I’ll check in tomorrow. It’s late where I live.

Thanks andgalf :slight_smile:

Boy even after your video I still struggled going through to do this. Between your video and Mmats word doc with step-by-step I finally figured it out…I hope…lol

That search box just had to be in the bottom left…sheesh…was expecting it up above at the top. Thought nothing was happening.

Thanks Mmat too :slight_smile:

Glad to see that you managed to sort it out.