Got pasta ?
Got pasta ?
I know it is written in French, sorry for those who do not read this language, but I found it funny. The idea of the caricaturist was to demonstrate that everyone has a homemade mask … the funniest one being the kid wearing a shoe as a mask…
For those looking for safer means of greeting friends and family, I present you with an old and very silly video:
I hear ya @GCoyote . Astronomy is for me a small tertiary hobby, because I don’t have the equipment , but I live very close to the Laval Astronomical Observatory (a minuscule one I must say) and I go there from time to time. What I miss most right now is the forest and the archery ranges . Yeah, I’m kind of a big tree hugger…
Anyone interested in astronomy should find NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day web page of interest.
And now a bedtime story…
Thread needs more Baby Yoda
For those that don’t get the reference in @Quixal’s post -
Here’s a joke I heard:
A little boy is out for a walk in the woods with his grandpa when he suddenly starts doing the I-Gotta-Pee dance.
Grandpa looks at him and says, “Just go up behind some bushes and pee if you gotta go that bad.”
The little boy nods and runs up the hill into the bushes. “Don’t forget to shake it,” Grandpa yells.
After a few minutes the little boy comes back down, glaring daggers at his grandpa. “What’s wrong?” asks Grandpa.
“I’m never listening to you again!” yells the little boy. “I did what you said. I shook it to the left and then I shook it to the right, and now I got pee all over my legs!”
And here was me expecting a Hokey Cokey reference.
For those with time on their hands and no real inclination to either read a book or do anything much else really, here are links to pages 1 of 3 ecomics.
Never Satisfied - Monday & Friday
Awaken - Monday & Friday
Wilde Life - Monday, Wednesday & Friday
The days of the week mentioned are when new pages appear.
So which do you prefer -
0 voters
For me it’s Awaken with Wilde Life a very close second. What’s yours. (poll ends in 1 week)
Anyone want a Star Wars themed Isolation video?
This is a lock-down version of one of (IMO) the most uplifting songs evah! I think this version is quite good too.
I build my desktop background library using that site. It’s great; I visit nearly every day.
1st April fools joke ? (warning: explicit cat’s parts).