That’s the way I look at it but check if it’s got any feats in creature things I don’t know if they are added to it’s normal attack bonus. Take the claws off it and give it a sword and see if it changes anything with the attack bonus and you’ll see.
Lance_Botelle… I had a look at a creature and by swapping things in the inventory, feats and looking at the statistics it looks like creature weapon feats do nothing to the attack bonus in the statistics.
Take away the claws then give it a sword and the attack bonus stays the same.
Add feats like weapon focus sword to the creature and the attack bonus goes up.
Give the creature claws with an enhancement bonus and still no difference but give it a +2 sword and it goes up.
Make the creature a fighter then add creature weapon feats and no difference to attack bonus, meaning it’s not a class thing.
There you are then, clear as mud !
Looks like the only way to test it is to line up some different creatures with different claws and feats to fight and look at the results as it happens because the statistics don’t show improvements from enhanced creature weapons or feats.