Custom Armor and Clothing or Tilesets

Hi even though we currently have five people who can create 3d models for NWN we (NWN Dark Sun Project) are still looking for a few more people

Who would like to help create custom armor and clothing for all of our totally custom playable races.


Who would like to help work on a totally new custom tileset we have in the works.

If this sounds like something you would have time for please contact me here on the Vault or on Discord which may name on it is Tonden#9076

I always did appreciate the Dark sun setting so this sounds interesting, I am making clothes at the moment, might as well have some direction. Send me your base and your limitations ( I work with relatively low poly OC based parts anyway so should be fine).

Thanks a lot for offering to help, that would be very nice of you. Do you have a project your working on?

We have a team of people working on this project and if you would like to join us you could work side by side with the guy who is creating all of our custom Races. He has even made some custom armor so far, but as you may already know you can spend some time working on armor/clothing for.

We currently have 5 people who can create 3d models

One on Player Races and some Armor
One on Mounts and Creatures
One on Creaters
One on Tilesets
One helps out where needed but mostly helps with Tilesets.

So it would really be nice to have you on the team working along side us as well. If you would like to join the team you can find all of us in our Discord Channel:

If not well we will still take any help you want to give.

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