- Adventurer Couture
- Common Stuff and Salvage
- Cutscene Helpers
- Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
- Non-Human Skeletons and Cadavers!/Bone Yard
- Not of This Time
- Prefab Plus
- Primitive Civilizations
- Thieves World/Nehwon Mythos
- Treasure rooms and legendary hoards
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Adventurer Couture
“That cloak of protection you are wearing is so last season!” While new clothing options are always welcome, I envision this topic as a bit broader. Placables that have to do with clothing production, (hanging) clothing placeables, Needle swords, mannequin golems, prefab clothing stores…
Common Stuff and Salvage
Things like cups, wagons, lanterns and such. Also it could contain pitchfork and some farming tools as weapons. Also improvised items or common items with unusual use (bashing cups, door or table shield, sword made from plough or guillotine axe. Placeables like table camp-fire door from shield or table, table from door or shield with axes, junk huts. At last junk armours, who wanna to wear door armour or put helmet? We also have a shields on straps. Oh and I forgot about some scavengers and junk creations.)
Cutscene Helpers
Increase the flexibility of cut-scenes by creating things specifically for use in them. Invisible walls that can have other placeable objects attached to them similar to portraits hung on regular walls. Black walls with window/keyhole/etc. shapes cut into them to look through with the camera. Prefabs that only require assigning the roles. Tilesets that mimic existing Bioware areas but remove/move walls and features to increase the number of potential camera positions. Skinnable walls that mimic beds, floors, etc. for top-down camera angles. (Been thinking about this last suggestion for a while. I would definitely add to it a new set of scripts that are easier to use with less idiosyncrasies. This is not to diss the ing_cutscene routines but they are hardly intuitive.)
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
This 1980 S3 module was written by Gary Gygax and featured strong science fiction elements. It introduced several new monsters, such as vegepygmies*, froghemoth, alien plants, androids, and various police and worker robots. Additional gear available to the players include blaster rifles, laser pistols, powered armour, anti-grav belts, and sleep gas grenades. Finally there is the ship itself, which included sci-fi furniture, control panels, and all sorts of weird machines and devices; there’s plenty of potential for a sci-fi tileset. The module itself was well illustrated, providing numerous examples.
Non-Human Skeletons and Cadavers!/Bone Yard
Sometimes you need some undead creatures or simply some nifty skeletons/corpses but you are limited to (mostly) human placeables! We need more variety! New skeletons based off of the various races out there. Dynamic Skeletons of said races. Furniture made of bone. Armor and Weapons made of bone. Bone placeables or tiles for sets.
Not of This Time
Creatures and objects from the distant past and distant future brought into the current time, where they really don’t belong. Could include things like distant dragon ancestors, ancient more feral and bestial version of orcs, ****** erectus or Neanderthals, maybe some fae halfway transformed intro and elves or some giant squids and snakes, mindflayers as time travellers, time portals, etc.
Prefab Plus
How about a prefab challenge? Participants make a single prefab area either from an existing tileset - either vanilla or custom. The only caveat would be that any custom tileset used has to be hosted on the Vault. Optionally, someone savvy with 3D modeling could make a mini-tileset to host their area. The prefab area should be all setup with tricks, traps, monsters, etc. so that any Builder wishing to use it can just drop it into their module. Editor’s Note - Areas can include custom content created specifically for the submitted prefab area.
Primitive Civilizations
Bone, stone weapons and armour, crude ironworks. Creatures with tribal tattoos. Huts of all kind (primitive). Tribal ceremonial items.
Thieves World/Nehwon Mythos
Content based on Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn Series (and could potentially include Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser Nehwon Mythos, as similar/related genre).
Treasure rooms and legendary hoards
Every module need some sort of treasure room or glittering hoard to motivate and reward hard working players… These special places not only contain strange magnificent artifacts, platinum full chests or gem mountains, but also deadly mischievous traps, incredibly hard to solve puzzles or very very special guardian monsters (beware, here be dragons, or other extremely rare creatures). Yeah, treasure rooms are important dungeon highlights, so usually you need something exquisite, awe-inspiring and highly rewarding. You better forget the standard gold chest for something special, don’t you think? Well, this theme is about all you can imagine and make that relates with a treasure room. Be it devious secret access, legendary items, treasure placeables (new gem models, crowns, scepters, miniatures…), special protecting traps, gorgeous new containers, shiny ornaments, decoys and cursed items, unique weaponry and armor, powerful magic protection, colourful NPCs, mighty guardian creatures, prefabs, etc. etc.
New this month are “Non-Human Skeletons and Cadavers!/Bone Yard”, “Adventurer Couture” and “Prefab Plus”