Custom Content Challenge - December 2023 : Amongst the Common folk

Amongst the Common folk

You cannot always spend your time killing dragons and traversing different planes of existence. Sometimes, the time you remember the most are the simple people, their faces, houses and everyday hardships. Every adventure needs its unsung, everyday heroes.

This theme was suggested by Havelock.


  • It must be fully working in game.
  • Use of vanilla NWN or publicly available texture is fine. Just remember that NWN textures must have dimensions in powers of 2 (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, etc.).
  • Teamwork is welcome.
  • Beginners most welcome. Don’t be afraid, just try, you’ll be surprised!
  • “Custom Content” includes many sorts of things: models, scripts, prefabs (areas, items, creatures, conversations, quests, etc.), sounds, portraits, or anything else new for the game.
  • All submissions must be finished, working, and emailed to (or a non-Vault link provided) by the first of the following month. Sooner than that is perfectly fine too. :wink:

Some things you could include in the download/email that would make packaging everything up easier and faster:

  • Any 2da lines needed.
  • Screenshot from in game for use on the Vault page. Formats: .bmp, .jpg, .png, or .tga
  • Portraits (if needed) of your new goody. Placeables and monsters should include a portrait.
  • Inventory icons (if needed) of your new goody.
  • Any credits you would like listed.
  • If this is your first entry, please tell me what name you would like your work listed under and provide a link to your other NWN content if you want that displayed as well (the link bit is totally optional).
  • Remember, the Challenge is all about fun, sharing, creativity, and surprise!

This thread is for all sorts of discussion about this month’s theme: ideas for things to make, questions/concerns, announcement of what you intend to make, screen-shots of work in progress and/or finished projects.

If you want to discuss the Monthly Custom Content Challenge idea as a whole or wish to submit ideas/themes for future monthly Challenges, please post in its thread here - Custom Content Challenge - Theme Suggestions.

When submitting a new theme, please provide a title and short summary of the theme.

If you have a technical question about some custom content creation, please create a separate thread so that the answers can be found later by anyone, not just people interested in this Challenge.

We’ll try to help!

Have no fear and join the fun!

And finally, you can:

Custom Content Challenge - Theme Suggestions.
Vote 4 for January’s theme
Email content to:



I have some handheld farmingtools (Hoe, rake, pick etc.). The models are not made by me (they are from Shemsu Heru or Zwerkules, in an earlier CCC), so I’m a bit reluctant to publish them. What I made is to convert them into the base item class “moon on a strick” which makes them much easier to handle for builders.

Maybe I’ll get the magic comb (own model) finished in time.


I have a couple WIP barovian clothes for peasants based on medieval romanian clothes that if I have them done before the cutoff I’ll submit (otherwise Ill prob just put them in their own submission)

An example of the idea from a reference:


The magic Comb: Change the colour of your hair anytime! Handheld item & some scripting!

I confess, it’s probably more an item for nobles, but this can be said for sure.


TR, you have mail! Get your thing running :slight_smile:


Sorry, but I will not enter the challenge with this stuff. Since there is some interest here, I’ll eventually update my already existing publication on the vault:

A rake for everybody!

I will replace some default NPC’s.
The original content courtesans, in particular have been bothering me for a while.

I guess I can dump some @Shemsu-Heru creatures I re textured into commoners like this one…


Just drafts at this point…
I will try not to drift too far from the original.


Hows about a simple card game? Could be placed in every commoners tavern, with the big fatso as landlord :slight_smile: (And soon we are at “Game in Game” :smiley: ).

Completely reworked the bio-table and ‘lended’ some things from @TheLightningStrikes. Only the card dealer could be a bit less vanilla (It’s the rogue in the upper right) but that’s far beyond my payment class.


Maybe sounds ridiculous since they practically can be made with the default tools, but I wonder how much would take to make sadder and weaker looking ones, like the peasants in Blood omen 2.

To quote LindyBeige when it comes to miserable peasants: “Filth has never been fashionable”

Combing phenotype would be great!

Combing phenotype would be great!

What do you have in mind? Changing from fat to slender and reversed? That could be done …

As promised, I updated my handheld tools here.

There are now farming tools like hoe, rake, fork etc.
Handheld v2


The Hurdy Gurdy (Item with 3d model, high level of detail)

All commoners love bards who play this instrument!

The parts are manually crafted and assembled.


Yeah, but how does it sound?

Yeah, but how does it sound?

Like this:


That was a musician joke… I know what a real one sounds like :slight_smile:

Canned food (Placeable, High poly)

The label is stolen from @Maiyannah and can be easily exchanged

Q: How does it sound?
A: Mmmm, I guess there is no proper can-opening sound, sorry … :smiley:


Try this page fpr various can opening sfx.


Good to know …