Custom Content Challenge - December 2023 Poll

Custom Content Challenge - November 2023 Poll
  • Amongst the Common folk
  • Be not Afraid
  • Holy War
  • India
  • Mechanus
  • Neverwinter Epic Laboratory
  • The Eternal Champion
  • The Stone Age
  • The Time Machine
0 voters

Amongst the Common folk

You cannot always spend your time killing dragons and traversing different planes of existence. Sometimes, the time you remember the most are the simple people, their faces, houses and everyday hardships. Every adventure needs its unsung, everyday heroes.

Be not Afraid

Compared to demonic entities, D&D Angels seem kinda boring. But luckily, there are some interesting depictions that we can take from the “biblically accurate angels” - the mysterious, creepy and bizarre! Seraphims, Ophanims or Cherubims as well as some of the more interesting ones from DnD (there have to be some) as well as some heavenly objects and structures. Let’s give the “good guys” something to work with, cause for now the fiends are taking all the fun!

Holy War

Anything related to religious zealots and holy warriors, including militant clerics, paladins, monks of holy orders, flagellants, archangels, sacred relics, battlefield shrines, holy ruins, fallen holy warriors, religious tomes, reliquaries, banners of holy orders, symbolic shields and weapons, shiny religious plate mail, religious tabards, instruments of inquisition, stake for burning a witch, dunking chair, sacred creatures, improved cleric battle spell f/x, holy site f/x. How about religious zealots for other player races? A port of the NWN2 Divine Champion PrC?


India is one of the world’s largest and oldest civilizations, yet there is very little content in NWN that can reflect this. Content could include tilesets of Indian civilization (pagodas, temples, cities, etc.), clothing, heads, weapons, wild animals native to India, and monsters from Indian mythology and folklore.


Everything about the plane, placebles, new Modron models, an interior or exterior tileset. Prefabricated areas with Placeables wheels, loadscreens and whatever comes to mind.

Neverwinter Epic Laboratory

Who doesn’t love a fine laboratory ? Well: every Wizard, Necromancer or Alchemist would probably kill for one ! Add to the mix, advanced makers like chemists, astronomers, tinker gnomes or any mad scientist worth its salt… To build a good laboratory, we need a delicate blend between magic and science so… Let’s make fantasy science instruments, machines, regents, prototypes, laboratory glass of every kind, tubes, bottles, stills, crucibles, lab creatures (minions, guardians, failed biomagical experiments, golems, etc.). Of course, electric things are an entire subpart of this theme (think doc Frankeinstein lab) and what about some cool prefabs or scripts systems !

The Eternal Champion

Content based on the works of Michael Moorcock, including the Melnibonian Mythos Elric/Stormbringer Saga, Jerry Cornelius, Hawkmoon, Corum, and other incarnations. (These stories were one of the inspirations for the original D&D. They are where the concepts of Law and Chaos came from.)

The Stone Age

Everything related with the prehistoric times. Rock art, dolmens, menhirs and any kind of megalithic constructions; Stone or bone weapons and tools, primitive fur clothes; Cavemen, Neanderthals or any other kind of hominid. Non dinosaur prehistoric animals, like mammoths, woolly rhinos, Paraceratherium, megatherium, terror birds, sabretooth felines, megaloceros, giant armadillo, megalodon, Gigantopithecus, etc.

The Time Machine

Based on H.G. Wells classic. A time machine, pleasant, flowery gardens where delicious fruits growing under the warm sun, a giant sphynx statue, Eloi fooling around everywhere, Morlocks lurking in dark tunnels surrounded by their strange machines, mutant crabs and butterflies in dead landscapes.

New this month are “Be not Afraid” and “Mechanus”.


Just one week to go. Have you voted? So far there are only 17 votes when it’s usually in the mid 20s. If you don’t vote you can’t really complain if what you wanted isn’t chosen.


I am a mistress of complaining about things though, just watch!

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And the winner is Amongst the Common folk.