Custom Content Challenge - February 2022 Poll

In an attempt to avoid coming up with 2 themes I am trying something new - reducing the number of options from 10 to 9 for this month’s poll.

Custom Content Challenge - February 2022 Poll
  • Alien Invasion
  • Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
  • Fly me to the Moon
  • Let’s Catch the Catbus
  • Not of This Time
  • Oopsies
  • Shops and Shopkeepers
  • Thieves World/Nehwon Mythos
  • Welcome to Golarion

0 voters

Alien Invasion
Alien technologies and adaptations to a (mostly) human world, like organic armours, alien cyborgs, quake 4 like cyborgs, mutants caused by alien virus, etc.

Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
This 1980 S3 module was written by Gary Gygax and featured strong science fiction elements. It introduced several new monsters, such as vegepygmies*, froghemoth, alien plants, androids, and various police and worker robots. Additional gear available to the players include blaster rifles, laser pistols, powered armour, anti-grav belts, and sleep gas grenades. Finally there is the ship itself, which included sci-fi furniture, control panels, and all sorts of weird machines and devices; there’s plenty of potential for a sci-fi tileset. The module itself was well illustrated, providing numerous examples.

Fly me to the Moon
Lunar themed objects, tilesets, creatures for modern, fantasy or sci-fi settings!

Let’s Catch the Catbus
All things Studio Ghibli. This is not just from the films directed by Hayao Miyazaki, but from all of their films and TV work. OK the Catbus from “My Neighbour Totoro” might be a really big ask, but there is so much that is not so hard. In fact I think Totoro itself should be relatively easy. There is such breadth of material here that there are things that would fit into any world not just an orientally themed one.

Not of This Time
Creatures and objects from the distant past and distant future brought into the current time, where they really don’t belong. Could include things like distant dragon ancestors, ancient more feral and bestial version of orcs, ****** erectus or neanderthals, maybe some fae halfway transformed intro and elves or some giant squids and snakes, mindflayers as time travellers, time portals, etc.

Objects and creatures in the wrong place at the wrong time. Examples include: creatures that appear lodged in some crevice or pipe or even stuck in the classic NWN portcullis door, classic “smoking boots”, legs/arms pinned under boulders, corpses with wagon tracks across them, non-animated creatures in sitting/laying positions for dramatic “dying breath” conversations, spilled and broken items, peg-legged NPCs, and more.

Shops and Shopkeepers
All things merchant and market related. Sundry items dangling from the rafters. Display cases, with wares for sale. Piles of baked goods, coils of wieners, smoked hams. Shopkeepers, garbed as one might expect, with some interesting traits. Open market stalls. Small specialty shops such as a fisherman’s shack, a carpenter’s shop, a tinsmith’s shop with benches, holding tools, and half-finished projects. A brick and stone mason, a jeweller, a well digger, an undertaker, a coffin maker, a banker, a bank. A cobbler, with shoes for sale and boots for repair, a butcher, baker, candlestick maker. Moneychangers. Scripts for the exchange of goods, rather than using the GUI. Prefabs of shops and keeps. Shop signs. NPC activities related to shops (shop hours, guards, thieves, lighting effects, etc.). False fronts. Specialty awnings. Guard animals, trained. Back-room dealings. Money laundering. Clothes laundering. Coinage. Paper money. Flirty workers. Surly workers. Undead workers.

Thieves World/Nehwon Mythos
Content based on Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn Series (and could potentially include Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser Nehwon Mythos, as similar/related genre).

Welcome to Golarion
There are many other D20 games that have been published across the years. One setting and system in particular have a large fan base. I speak of the Pathfinder RPG and their default campaign setting of Golarion. I think much of the content in Golarion and the Pathfinder RPG would be right at home in NWN. Creature models like the Denizens of Leng, Rune Giants, Aeons, Div, and their version of Goblins would make interesting foes. Magic items and placeables to reflect to appearance of Golarions culture. Tilesets to help craft specific places like their Vaults, Ruins of Azlant, and other famous places. New spells and feats to take on the new challenges. Prefab cities and dungeons to use when crafting adventures. Perhaps even some home brew adventures in Golarion or even conversions of their Adventure Paths. New player models to build their Iconic Characters for use as PCs or NPCs. I think the material from the Golarion setting and the Pathfinder RPG would make NWN even greater.


Just a reminder - If you haven’t voted yet…


And the winner is -

Shops and Shopkeepers



Great, i have some interesting things ready, maybe they just need a fix.