Time for this month’s CCC! I’ll run it until the end of July since we started mid-month.
The topic this month is:
If you compare to churches, cathedrals sure are in a superior league. Frequently they mark home for an uberpriest(ess). These buildings are bigger, richer, very sophisticated architecturaly speaking, presenting quasi-incredible feats of engineering. Let’s make our own holy/neutral/evil cathedrals. Think about what you should add (exterior and interior) to our existing Neverwinter Nights temples to magnify or embellish them to the point we can call them awesome cathedrals: high bell towers, balconies, enormous vaults, buttresses, stone annexes, great stained glass windows of all forms and subjects, lots of rich statues, gargoyles, big bells, cupolas, giant deity symbols, extravagant altars, monstrous organs, praying stalls, luxurious carpets, holy/unholy water pools, gold, incense, silk and platinum everywhere… you get the idea… Reverb sounds, music or meditative style songs will improve the experience even more. Prefabs are welcome of course.
Some things you could include in the download/email that would make packaging everything up easier and faster:
- Any 2da lines needed.
- Screenshot from in game for use on the Vault page. Formats: .bmp, .jpg, .png, or .tga
- Portraits (if needed) of your new goody. Placeables and monsters should include a portrait.
- Inventory icons (if needed) of your new goody.
- Any credits you would like listed.
- If this is your first entry, please tell me what name you would like your work listed under and provide a link to your other NWN content if you want that displayed as well (the link bit is totally optional).
- Remember, the Challenge is all about fun, sharing, creativity, and surprise!
This thread is for all sorts of discussion about this month’s theme: ideas for things to make, questions/concerns, announcement of what you intend to make, screen-shots of work in progress and/or finished projects.
If you want to discuss the Monthly Custom Content Challenge idea as a whole or wish to submit ideas/themes for future monthly Challenges, please post in its thread here - Custom Content Challenge - Theme Suggestions .
When submitting a new theme, please provide a title and short summary of the theme.
If you have a technical question about some custom content creation, please create a separate thread so that the answers can be found later by anyone, not just people interested in this Challenge.
We’ll try to help!
Have no fear and join the fun!
Email content to: maiyannah@highlandarrow.com