New forum software, new thread for making suggestions for future Custom Content Challenges. I’m keeping a list of suggestions for inclusion in future polls.
When making a suggestion, include a title and a brief description/summary that would appear on the poll page and in each month’s thread if chosen. The description/summary should include a few brief examples of things that would fit the theme.
Here’s an example of how to format your suggestion (which, admittedly, has a lot of examples):
Why So Serious?: D&D is not always a game of serious topics and deadly combat. Sometimes things just end up a little bit (or a lot) absurd. This decade old game could use a few more things that are just plain silly or carefully considered D&D humor. A gazebo monster, or a door that looks like a large jar. A band of gnome pickpockets that steal footwear. An overly curious NPC that just follows PCs around until they leave the area. A jester that tells random jokes. A longsword model that looks like a Chainsaw of Bloody Dismemberment. A set of prefab books with humorous descriptions and titles. Apprentice-scribed spells scrolls that have unforeseen effects. A short quest that just ends up ridiculous halfway through before having a normal ending. A henchman that has a 25% chance on seeing any human (or elf, or dwarf, etc.) of voicing a crude insult about said being. Be creative!
{ Suggested By: The Amethyst Dragon }
Note: I will occasionally edit posts with notes and clean up discussion (remove some posts) to keep this thread easier to read.