Magic: The Gathering
Creatures, objects, spells, and more inspired by the game.
{ Suggested by Mecheon }
Baldur’s Gate and Offspring
Content from the beloved games of the past, be it the Baldur’s Gate Series, the Icewind Dale Series or Planescape: Torment. Help recreate some of the nostalgic flair of the incredible artwork of the best RPG games that captured our imagination for hours on end.
{ Suggested by Snugglehoof }
Once Upon a Time:
Content inspired by various Disney movies and other fairy tales. Frozen, Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent, Aladdin, etc.
{ Suggested by Baaleos }
— This one is similar to April 2012’s “Folk Tales & Myths”. However, it specifically mentions certain stories that were adapted by Disney studios and seems to be geared toward “lighter” aesthetics than the older theme went for.
Supermarionation is Go!
Autumn 2015 was the 50th anniversary of the 60’s hit TV show “Thunderbirds”. So, I think it is time to have a CCC covering all (well maybe not Terrahawks ) of Gerry Anderson’s puppet shows from “Four Feather Falls” up to and including “Joe 90”. There are the vehicles, the clothes, the characters, the locations (Tracy Island anyone), the sounds, etc. At a pinch, I suppose you could include his live action shows as well (but not the awful live action Thunderbirds movie).
{ Suggested by Tarot Redhand }
India is one of the world’s largest and oldest civilizations, yet there is very little content in NWN that can reflect this. Content could include tilesets of Indian civilization (pagodas, temples, cities, etc.), clothing, heads, weapons, wild animals native to India, and monsters from Indian mythology and folklore.
{ Suggested by Bluebomber4evr }
Dark Fantasy
I think that this challenge would greatly benefit some dark fantasy modules or PWs. Things inside should be Ogre queens, necrophiliac princes, torture devices (like white hot iron shoes), monsters, dwarves, curses, eating abilities, items like livers and heart (Cooked and uncooked), cannibalism, magic items (mirrors, apples, glass coffins), plants, undead, ravenous animals, diseases, gruesome deaths, executions (gory, gruesome and twisted), twisted and mad people, god’s wrath, witches, demons, devils and dark pacts. Oh, I nearly forgotten about rape and self-mutilation.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
World of Darkness
White wolf games pnp both old and new. You can find there both werewolf and vampire, Demons and angels, ghost and spectre. Good dark fantasy setting with many powers, spells and ideas.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Humble Building Bricks
Every module builder will someday have to build a wall in the middle of a room, block a tunnel with a rock pile, make a custom pier, make a frame to add a door to this irregular shape mountainside, invent a special ruin, build fortifications, assemble a credible giant water puddle… And sometimes you need to hide tileset unwanted parts with handy placeables too. Simple construction placeables parts: Rocks, wood beams, planks, bricks, wall fragments, stone floors, roof tiles, fountain modules, table parts, light effects, column chunks, column tops and bottoms, wheels, modular well/hole kit, etc.
{ Suggested by CaveGnome }
The Show Must Go On!
Theatre, carnival, freakshows. I was thinking decor placables, masks, throwable rotten tomatoes, ridable people in a horse costume.
{ Suggested by modderpunk }
Make Them Feel Special
New items, feats, and more for characters with different prestige classes. Maybe create new prestige classes.
{ Suggested by modderpunk }
The Eternal Champion
Content based on the works of Michael Moorcock, including the Melnibonian Mythos Elric/Stormbringer Saga, Jerry Cornelius, Hawkmoon, Corum, and other incarnations. (These stories were one of the inspirations for the original D&D. They are where the concepts of Law and Chaos came from.
{ Suggested by Carcerian }
Thieves World/Nehwon Mythos
Content based on Tales of the Vulgar Unicorn Series (and could potentially include Fafhrad and the Grey Mouser Nehwon Mythos, as similar/related genre).
{ Suggested by Carcerian }
Lost Lands, Lost Cities and Hidden Valleys
Avalon, Atlantis, Aztlan, Baltia, Biarmaland, Hy-Brasil, Brittia, El Dorado, Hyperborea, Lemuria, Mu, Shang0ri-La, Thule, Troy, Great Zimbabwe. Content could be created based upon any of these mythological places. As an example, a house made of gold for El Dorado, a harmonically soothing piece of music for Shang-Ri-La or an ice based sfx for Thule.
{ Suggested by Tarot Redhand }
Parasitic monsters, hybrids, parasitic arms and armour
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Not of This Time
Creatures and objects from the distant past and distant future brought into the current time, where they really don’t belong. Could include things like distant dragon ancestors, ancient more feral and bestial version of orcs, ****** erectus or Neanderthals, maybe some fae halfway transformed intro and elves or some giant squids and snakes, mindflayers as time travellers, time portals, etc.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Let’s Catch the Catbus
All things Studio Ghibli. This is not just from the films directed by Hayao Miyazaki, but from all of their films. OK the Catbus from “My Neighbour Totoro” might be a really big ask, but there is so much that is not so hard. In fact, I think Totoro itself should be relatively easy. There is such breadth of material here that there are things that would fit into any world not just an orientally themed one.
{ Suggested by Tarot Redhand }
Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
This 1980 S3 module was written by Gary Gygax and featured strong science fiction elements. It introduced several new monsters, such as vegepygmies*, froghemoth, alien plants, androids, and various police and worker robots. Additional gear available to the players include blaster rifles, laser pistols, powered armour, anti-grav belts, and sleep gas grenades. Finally, there is the ship itself, which included sci-fi furniture, control panels, and all sorts of weird machines and devices; there’s plenty of potential for a sci-fi tileset. The module itself was well illustrated, providing numerous examples.
{ Suggested by rjshae }
Objects and creatures in the wrong place at the wrong time. Examples include: creatures that appear lodged in some crevice or pipe or even stuck in the classic NWN portcullis door, classic “smoking boots”, legs/arms pinned under boulders, corpses with wagon tracks across them, non-animated creatures in sitting/laying positions for dramatic “dying breath” conversations, spilled and broken items, peg-legged NPCs, and more.
{ Suggested by ehye_khandee }
Alien Invasion
Alien technologies and adaptations to a (mostly) human world, like organic armours, alien cyborgs, quake 4 like cyborgs, mutants caused by alien virus, etc.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Things That Should Not Be: Fear and Madness
Content inspired by themes of insanity and total terror. Hallucination VFX, scripted sanity systems, monsters based on Lovecraft mythos. Possibly improve the fear effect so that characters struck with fear drop their weapons, and sanity checks when monsters are seen to determine if you become a babbling idiot. VFX that cause the players screen to flip around. Terrifying ghosts and spirits rather than just textured player models. Inspiration: Alice in Wonderland (American McGee’s for darker themes), Fatal Frame series, System Shock, Alan Wake, Silent Hill, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, Clive Barker’s works, The Cell, and many others.
{ Suggested by Carcerian and The Mad Poet }
—a combination of similar themes suggested by both Carcerian and The Mad Poet
Cutscene Helpers
Increase the flexibility of cutscenes by creating things specifically for use in them. Invisible walls that can have other placeable objects attached to them similar to portraits hung on regular walls. Black walls with window/keyhole/etc. shapes cut into them to look through with the camera. Prefabs that only require assigning the roles. Tilesets that mimic existing Bioware areas but remove/move walls and features to increase the number of potential camera positions. Skinnable walls that mimic beds, floors, etc. for top-down camera angles. (Been thinking about this last suggestion for a while. I would definitely add to it a new set of scripts that are easier to use with less idiosyncrasies. This is not to dis the ing_cutscene routines but they are hardly intuitive.)
{ Suggested by Darkniciad }
Corrupting Evil
“Land itself looked like its master, cruel and insane.”, “Oh god, I am sorry. She… She ate them… How does the human meat taste like?”, “You have lied to me! The ghost was protecting us from that thing inside your child! Now die! Die for your treachery. And rest of you shall die too, to quench mine rage.”, “Betrayed! Shunned! Now prepare you fools for evil never rests!”, “Hey it’s just a book it can’t hurt me. Can it?”, “Paladins? Blah! those fools can’t do what’s is necessary.”, “I need it! I don’t care who give it to me! Gods, devils of demons! Somebody give me power to ordinate the justice!”, “I too used to be like you, but this place is no place for good folk, but they also need a saviour.” - This one is theme of corruption, when heroes are wrapped by the evil of their enemies to become like them like Nietzsche said “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” This is the game of corruption where experienced heroes can’t be distinguished from lesser villains. Where paladins sell their souls to demons to destroy others like the blackguards. Where heroes valiantly fight the ghosts to save the town only to find it reanimating dead for army.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Primitive Civilizations
Bone, stone weapons and armour, crude ironworks. Creatures with tribal tattoos. Huts of all kind (primitive). Tribal ceremonial items.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Common Stuff and salvage
Things like cups, wagons, lanterns and such. Also, it could contain pitchforks and some farming tools as weapons. Also improvised items or common items with unusual use (bashing cups, door or table shield, sword made from plough or guillotine axe. Placeables like table campfire door from shield or table, table from door or shield with axes, junk huts. At last junk armours, who want to wear door armour or put helmet? We also have shields on straps. Oh, and I forgot about some scavengers and junk creations.)
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
The Age of Enlightenment / Great war
Featuring 18th to early 20th century weapons clothes, helmets, gas masks and machinery, grand steam constructs, really old cars, their fantasy brothers, some steam and clockwork robots and also the people and buildings. Also, terrible weapons and defences of WWI like combat gases, artillery and tranches.
{ Suggested by Shadowing2029 }
Cursed Magical Items
I’ve played a few modules where there were cursed items and while they can be a bit annoying for the player, it still has me wondering “why not more?” For example, there was this one module I played that has this longsword that was cursed by the dragon that it was used to kill. This wasn’t something you found out until you walked around with it as you’d take damage while outside by just carrying the sword in your pack. Ideas for Fun Scripts (assuming they don’t already exist): - Scripts to prevent players from removing an item after equipped where the item will just reequip itself. - Scripts to direct your henchmen to pick up items because when you live in world where cursed magical items exist, you’re going to want your henchmen to pick up that “Ring of Elemental Resistance” because you’re not entirely convinced it isn’t actually the infamous “Ring of Mockery” that will hit you with CHA-5 and change your name to Human McHumanFace. Or maybe there isn’t anything wrong with the item at all, and it has no curse. However, creatures not native to the material plan are drawn to the weapon because they wish to claim it for themselves such that these other plane beings keep showing up out of nowhere randomly to attack the player.
{ Suggested by Sachie }
Something Familiar
Additions or modifications to NWN familiars. All-new familiar creatures, new behaviours, new spells that affect familiars, special items that affect familiars right when they are summoned, familiar-related quests. etc.
{ Suggested by: Shadowing2029 }
While scaling has helped a little with older kids, there really aren’t enough kid models and kid “stuff” in the game. Kids are an important part of a lot of great adventures. They can be innocent bystanders, eager wards and apprentices, and even super creepy villains.
{ Suggested by: Urk }
Weird West
The wild, wild west of cowboy fame. But not just vanilla spaghetti western: a western setting with horror and magic elements. Fire elemental-powered locomotives, undead Indians, magic gold panning, +4 gatling guns, haunted saloons, half-orc prostitutes, demonic telegraph switches, arcane aliens, etc.
{ Suggested by: rjshae }
Inspired by Classic Video Games
Build something from, or inspired by, another video game! Sky’s the limit! Make a suit of clothing and cloak that resembles Mario or Luigi. Perhaps model Cloud’s Buster Sword from FF7. A Hylian shield from the Legend of Zelda. Create the classic Imp monster from Doom, complete with fireball throwing. No room for Halo here (too modern). Dust off your old Earthworm Jim cartridge and make that “Queen Slug-For-A-Butt” model you’ve always been dreaming about. Script out your own Lost Woods maze from Legend of Zelda, or maybe make a new 3d model for ol’ King Hippo from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. Go Greco-Roman werewolf with Altered Beast.
{ Suggested by: The Mad Poet }
We have a little stuff about failures, so could a wizard fail a summon spell to bring about a horde of useless, weak but annoying demons? Or what would happen if a warrior failed to bash a door? Could a monk break his hand if he failed his attack? Also, we must not forget about potions, could improperly mixed potions enlarge drinkers head or make him fart uncontrollably? Or just cause extreme itching? Could a failure on pick lock break the lock so the locked object is stuck and must be bashed? Could a trap or fireball explode to users face if he fails placing/casting?
{ Suggested by Sunssarathi2029 }
The world of Tolkien
I’m assuming pretty much everyone is familiar with the works of Tolkien. His stuff has been a huge influence on the creation of D&D and it would be great to pay tribute to this in the game of NWN. Submissions could include anything from new creatures and character models (Uruk Hai, Gollum, Shelob, Giant Eagles, Balrog), weapons and armour (Gondor armour, Sting, Glamdring, Narsil), iconic locations and tilesets (the Prancing Pony Inn, Weathertop, Rivendell, Hobbitton), portraits, scripts - whatever. There’s plenty of scope for creation, something which should suit modders of all abilities.
{ Suggested by Beefheart }
The Stone Age
Everything related with the prehistoric times. Rock art, dolmens, menhirs and any kind of megalithic constructions; Stone or bone weapons and tools, primitive fur clothes; Cavemen, Neanderthals or any other kind of hominid. Non dinosaur prehistoric animals, like mammoths, woolly rhinos, Paraceratherium, megatherium, terror birds, sabretooth felines, megaloceros, giant armadillo, megalodon, Gigantopithecus, etc.
{ Suggested by Shemsu-Heru }
This challenge is about generating content unique to the setting of Faerûn. For example, it could include custom monsters, magic items, and NPC blueprints from the Faerûn guide books; tile groups of distinctive Faerûnian landmarks; in-game lore books, maps, and manuals; custom portraits and soundsets; an exterior Menzoberranzan tileset; attire and placeable banners of good and evil political groups; magic sigils; placeables for Faerûnian deity shrines, and re-creations of content from the Faerûn-based infinity engine or goldbox games.
{ Suggested by rjshae }
Shops and Shopkeepers
All things merchant and market related. Sundry items dangling from the rafters. Display cases, with wares for sale. Piles of baked goods, coils of wieners, smoked hams. Shopkeepers, garbed as one might expect, with some interesting traits. Open market stalls. Small specialty shops such as a fisherman’s shack, a carpenter’s shop, a tinsmith’s shop with benches, holding tools, and half-finished projects. A brick and stone mason, a jeweller, a well digger, an undertaker, a coffin maker, a banker, a bank. A cobbler, with shoes for sale and boots for repair, a butcher, baker, candlestick maker. Moneychangers. Scripts for the exchange of goods, rather than using the GUI. Prefabs of shops and keeps. Shop signs. NPC activities related to shops (shop hours, guards, thieves, lighting effects, etc.). False fronts. Specialty awnings. Guard animals, trained. Back-room dealings. Money laundering. Clothes laundering. Coinage. Paper money. Flirty workers. Surly workers. Undead workers.
{ Suggested by JFK }
Welcome to Golarion
There are many other D20 games that have been published across the years. One setting and system in particular have a large fan base. I speak of the Pathfinder RPG and their default campaign setting of Golarion. I think much of the content in Golarion and the Pathfinder RPG would be right at home in NWN. Creature models like the Denizens of Leng, Rune Giants, Aeons, Div, and their version of Goblins would make interesting foes. Magic items and placeables to reflect to appearance of Golarions culture. Tilesets to help craft specific places like their Vaults, Ruins of Azlant, and other famous places. New spells and feats to take on the new challenges. Prefab cities and dungeons to use when crafting adventures. Perhaps even some home brew adventures in Golarion or even conversions of their Adventure Paths. New player models to build their Iconic Characters for use as PCs or NPCs. I think the material from the Golarion setting and the Pathfinder RPG would make NWN even greater.
{ Suggested by Rzach }
Ice Age
This challenge will develop themes and content associated with an ice age era, whether past or future. This could include prehistoric/post-historic humankind, glacial and/or tundra tiles, Pleistocene megafauna, primitive dwellings, stone knives and bear skins, frozen ruined structures and technology from a distance past, ice caves, sea glaciers, bones of mammoths, frozen corpses, mastodon mounts, seals, ice elementals, igloos, priests and symbols of Auril, ice ships, spells and magic items associated with cold and ice, and so forth. Possible creatures include: Smilodon, mammoth, mastodon, woolly rhinoceros, ice elves, yeti, Irish elk, and glyptodon.
{ Suggested by Tonden_Ockay/rjshae }
The Circle of Life
There are more stages to life than being a combat-ready adult of one’s species - how about some infants, toddlers, children, the sickly and the elderly? Pregnant creatures, more clothing options for pregnant dynamic humanoids. Holdable children, children’s’ toys. Nursery placeables, animal nesting places (placeables, tiles, or area prefabs), coffins and sarcophagi, bone remains and fossils. Medication item prefabs, scripts, and inventory icons. Also, undead creatures, sure, why not - undeath is definitely part of the “Circle of Life” in DnD. Undead children count double. Animal call sounds, children’s’ and old people- “Get off my lawn!”-style voicesets. Birthday cakes. Funeral flower wreaths. Tombstones. Life insurance salespeople, prefabs for doctor/healer NPCs. And anything to do with the Lion King movies fits the theme by default, I suppose. NAAAANTS INGONYAMAAA!
{ Suggested by TheBarbarian }
Flay the Mind
The topic of this challenge is Mind Flayers, or Illithids. Suggested contributions include additions to the Illithid Interior tileset, tools and weapons used by illithids, mind flayer furniture (beds, chairs, tables, rugs, tapestries, &c) and instruments of control, new Illithid garb, portraits, illithid slaves, and strange psionic devices and gear. Illithid-associated creatures include ulitharids, illithocytes, neothelids, mindwitness, urophions, illithidae, or alhoon. There can also be psionic temples for Ilsensine or Maanzecorian.
{ Suggested by rjshae }
Planar invasion
What if fiends decided to invade en masse? Or angels got sick of mortal sins? Earth elementals carved new resources? Fire elementals slaves? Or just some interplanar empire found “backwater” world? Conjunction threw some world together?
{ Suggested by Sunssarathi2029 }
Non-Human Skeletons and Cadavers!/Bone Yard
Sometimes you need some undead creatures or simply some nifty skeletons/corpses but you are limited to (mostly) human placeables! We need more variety! New skeletons based off of the various races out there. Dynamic Skeletons of said races. Furniture made of bone. Armour and Weapons made of bone. Bone placeables or tiles for sets.
{ Suggested by Havelock/acidchalk }
Adventurer Couture
“That cloak of protection you are wearing is so last season” While new clothing options are always welcome, I envision this topic as a bit broader. Placables that have to do with clothing production, (hanging) clothing placables, Needle swords, mannequin golems, pre fab clothing stores…
{ Suggested by modderpunk }