Is there a way to make a custom made armor/outfit only usable for the PC? When looking at Item Properties it doesn’t seem possible. Then I thought that maybe you could make a script for this, but only variables are appliable on an item it seems.
Maybe I’ve found a way. If one uses the template for Item Equipped maybe you could do a limitation there.
Edit: It worked. I made a script based on the Item Equipped template and it worked like a charm:
// i_temp_eq
Template for an Equip item script.
This script will run each time the item is equipped.
How to use this script:
Replace the word "temp" (in line 1) with the tag of the item. Rename the script with this name.
Additional Info:
In general, all the item "tag-based" scripts will be named as follows:
- a prefix ("i_" by defualt)
- the tag of the item
- a postfix indicating the item event.
This script will be called automatically (by defualt) whether it exists or not. If if does not exist, nothing happens.
Note: this script runs on the module object, an important consideration for assigning actions.
// Name_Date
void main()
object oPC = GetPCItemLastEquippedBy();
object oItem = GetPCItemLastEquipped();
object oPC1 = GetFirstPC();
if(oPC != oPC1)
AssignCommand(oPC, ClearAllActions());
AssignCommand(oPC, ActionUnequipItem(oItem));
FloatingTextStringOnCreature("Only your main character can equip this outfit.", oPC1, FALSE);
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