So I found my Ezra statue, which really is a decimated free asset, to be forthright. I have it all run through cleanmodels, its happy with it, put it in the .hak, it shows up in the toolset list of placeables, but when I actually go to place it, it gives me:
Cleanmodels is happy with it so I’m not really certain what’s up, and exports:
Input Directory: B:/Software/toud/#tmp
Files: *.mdl
Output Directory: B:/Software/toud/#out
Output Model Class: automatic
Snap: binary
Snap tverts: no
Shadow: all
Repivot: if_needed
Allow Split: no
Pivots below Z=0: disallow
Move Bad Pivots: no
Force non-black nodes to ambient/diffuse 1 1 1: no
Apply Water Fixups: no
Tree Foliage: ignore
Splotches: ignore
Ground rotatetexture to: no_change
Tile Edge Chamfers: no_change
Tile ground planes: no_change
Repair aabb overhangs: no
Change walkmesh materials: no
Slice: undo
Tile raise/lower: no
MeshMerge by bitmap: yes
Placeable with transparency: no
Cull Invisible Meshes: yes
Render Trimesh: default
Rescale X,Y,Z: 1.0
warning - 19 overlapping face(s) in trimesh toud_statue001.001
Bad Pivot on toud_statue001.001
Exported okay.
Only complaint is the overlapping faces, which … maybe thats it but I’ve run into that before on CEP content and its been okay.
Any ideas where to start in diagnosing where it is going wrong?
Drag and drop the model over a nwn-explorer link. Is it shown? Can you change to the ASCII tab without crash?
If this test doesn’t fail, then there is most probably nothing really wrong with the model. Those overlappings can be ignored.
The message above usually appears if there is something wrong with the 2da. Your text indicate, that the file reference might be wrong. So it would show up in the list, but cause an error.
I take you have it from CEP. What the hell is the name of it or the line number in the 2da?
The name your placeables 2da has for this model shows up in the toolset, but maybe that’s either not exactly the name of the model? The 2da will show it, but if the name’s not right (or have another problem with the 2da) the model won’t be there.
You could create a quick version using, say, the armoire model name, and drop it in your override, then check an armoire to see if the model loads in game.
How, if I may ask. Reducing the poly’s is tricky …
if it loads in the explorer, but not ingame and you triple checked the 2da (as JFK states, its a good test!), then I would do some further analysis if you provide the *mdl.
maybe just the “missing in the 2da
"TOUD: Statue: Ezra (Matyas Bernard Braun/Maiyannah) => "TOUD: Statue: Ezra (Matyas Bernard Braun/Maiyannah)"
I’ve had this problem before
Just read the first few lines of the model, it’s declared as item. Since I didn’t have your 2da, I created my own, which was correct. Then I changed this single value and the model was displayed. It’s a good way to fool yourself. JFK’s test should actually point out, that the fault is in the 2da.
However “character” would be the correct declaration.