Is there a default wand that can be held in the main hand available in the toolset yet?
Not in the official content.
I don’t think there’s a general-purpose mod, either.
You can do it yourself, it seems, but there are drawbacks, as discussed here.
There is a mod for equipping wands, but it’s a self-nerf. Like any other equipped items, you can’t use spells unless it’s equipped. Wands by default can be used without being equipped, so strike one. Strike two, by wielding a wand you’re effectively losing that slot. You won’t be able to use a staff or weapon/shield. So, a self-nerf.
That’s a good point. I guess I’m just wanting that twisted stick the white bearded wizard was holding on the the front of my Pee-Chee folder in middle school. A twisted stick in the main hand.
I guess I’m just wanting the item graphic more than anything.
Go for it, then! In critical hit builds the best choice is either the scimitar or the scythe, but I prefer the looks of a greatsword, so I always use that instead of the best in slot options. Life’s too short. At least try what you like!