Department store enhancer

Hello finally got ee version up and running. A long time ag the was a mod that took the form of a department store with
Several levels and Various Character enhancements and mini adventures like a bargain basement with ghosts that
Would attack you if you yot greedy. Does this sound at all familiar to anyone?

A ghost that bites greedy customers into the a… Well, never heard of something like this. But I guess there would be a good use of it in RL.

It had a bunch of things like that. Several levels etc.

Quick search:

Thanks. I tried searching for department store and came up with nothing. One thing I really misse were the bags actually backpack of holding.

I found the name of the mod. Boutique Du Temps

Ok is ANYONE here familiar with Boutique Du Temp? A mod for buffing characters and equipment in the form of z department store!

I went to and typed “boutique” into the search bar and the first result looks right… give it a try :slight_smile:

I found it and it is the correct one. Now to figure out how to sell stuff that you have found! Thanks for the help!

So has anyone here had any experience with the boutique du temp expansion? It was from the vault. I got it working but cant remember several things.

For anyone who tries this mod the key is a nailfile you find on the manicurists desk.

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