Is this possible? I have an area where a bunch of placeables are grouped together in a Group. I tried with the function DestroyObjectsInGroup(); found in the include library ginc_group, but that only seems to work with creatures grouped together.
There’s quite a lot of placeable objects in this group so it would be so much easier if one could destroy them all in one go instead of destroying each placeable.
I tried to ungroup them and they all (and that’s good) seem to have the same tag. (This is a prefab area)
I tried searching here on the vault for some great scripts and I found one from kevL_s that I modified, but that didn’t work unfortunately.
void DestroyPatch(object oSelf);
void main(string sGroup)
object oSelf = GetObjectByTag(sGroup);
SetPlotFlag(oSelf, FALSE);
AssignCommand(oSelf, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
DestroyObject(oSelf, 0.25f);
const string sDESTROYME = "DESTROYME";
void DestroyPatch(object oSelf)
int i = 1;
object o = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ALL, oSelf, i);
while (GetIsObjectValid(o))
if (GetDistanceToObject(o) <= 3.f
&& (GetLocalInt(o, sDESTROYME) == 1 || GetTag(o) == sDESTROYME))
SetPlotFlag(o, FALSE);
AssignCommand(o, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
o = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ALL, oSelf, ++i);
I changed the script to this, and now some of the placeables are destroyed but not all:
void DestroyPatch(object oSelf);
void main(string sGroup)
object oSelf = GetObjectByTag(sGroup);
SetPlotFlag(oSelf, FALSE);
AssignCommand(oSelf, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
DestroyObject(oSelf, 0.25f);
const string sDESTROYME = "DESTROYME";
void DestroyPatch(object oSelf)
int i = 1;
object o = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ALL, oSelf, i);
while (GetIsObjectValid(o))
SetPlotFlag(o, FALSE);
AssignCommand(o, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
o = GetNearestObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ALL, oSelf, ++i);
EDIT2: I remade all the objects to Placeable objects since I noticed many of the were envorinment objects. That didn’t have any effect unfortunately. I also tried this version of the script:
void DestroyPatch(string sGroup, object oSelf);
void main(string sGroup)
object oSelf = OBJECT_SELF;
SetPlotFlag(oSelf, FALSE);
AssignCommand(oSelf, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
DestroyObject(oSelf, 0.25f);
const string sDESTROYME = "DESTROYME";
void DestroyPatch(string sGroup, object oSelf)
int i = 1;
object o = GetNearestObjectByTag(sGroup, oSelf, i);
while (GetIsObjectValid(o))
SetPlotFlag(o, FALSE);
AssignCommand(o, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
o = GetNearestObjectByTag(sGroup, oSelf, ++i);
I’m pretty sure there’s a box on the generic script ( ga_destroy ) in the conversations for destroying all objects of a single tag. I’d give them a new exactly the same tag each as a grouped tag might have done something weird.
I think they have to be placeables so you were on the right track.
You can’t destroy static object. Don’t use dynamic collision on all the object but a collision box.
Shallina’s right, collision boxes can definitely be destroyed I’ve done that before.
Forgot to check that. They were indeed all set to static for some reason. Now it works.