Difficult NWNEE questions

I have so many, but for now two are at the forefront. First, I’ve finally gone and tried to make 4-class builds (mainly because having to rewrite my character’s first class is too much work every time I want to try something different), and I find the classes appear as “bad strefff” on the character sheet, which leads me to believe it is a tlk problem, since I’m using CEP1’s. Hope someone can confirm or deny. On the other hand, the update has been out for a while and I have yet to see any 4+ build guides. Are there any at all?

Second, I’m sick of using henchmen in hack and slash modules to spawn the highest CR mobs. Is there a way to trick the game into always spawning the highest available mobs without having to increase my party size? Again, any insight on any of these is appreciated!

If you see bad sttref, then you must be using custom dialog.tlk in game user folder. CEP has nothing to do with this. I am aware of only one project doing this and its my Community Patch.

So if you are using CPP there is newer dialog.tlk that will fix the issue.

As for second question, no there is no way.

EDIT: Well one option would be there if the module uses standard encounters. Edit the module by moneo script and change all encounters inside module to “impossible” difficulty. That could produce the effect you want, however this is not easy to do at all.

Another reason might be that you’re using an old classes.2da missing the new column “Short”.


Well, CEP uses custom tlks which is why I mentioned I was using CEP1’s. Thankfully, it was something else. So sad about the CR thingy. I’ll have to keep using a level 40 henchman, then. Thank you!

Bingo to the bad streff issue, my friend. It was an old class.2da in override folder. One less worry, thank you! Oh man, the new one is a mess to view and modify in text editor! Is there an app where it makes sense?

Other than the new classes.2da has some new columns it looks pretty normal to me? You should be able to view/edit it with any text editor.

In build .36 (retail) it’s a normal text file located in Install\Ovr. Build .37 (development/preview) has moved all files from Install\Ovr into bif files and has a second key file nwn_retail.key (not read by NWNExplorer automatically). Perhaps that’s where your problems come from?

As for your second question: there’s also an in-game solution. You could write a script that cycles all areas and all encounters and change their difficulty:

object oArea = GetFirstArea();
while (GetIsObjectValid(oArea))
     object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oArea);
     while (GetIsObjectValid(oObject))
          switch (GetObjectType(oObject))
             SetEncounterDifficulty(ENCOUNTER_DIFFICULTY_???, oObject);
         oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oArea);
    oArea = GetNextArea();

Not written in the toolset, not tested, might not work, might contain errors :wink:

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I’ve heard the next update will FUBAR the folders in the game installation, so I probably won’t update for a while, but thank you, I found it in OVR. The text comes out all messy both in notepad and notepad++, specially the new column. The old, custom one is perfectly centered and aligned, but the new one is not, even after using word wrap. It’s not unworkable, but the alignment values seem to also have been changed. Will test later to see if I can modify them to work as they did in my old, custom one. Thank you for the script! Will test it out ASAP! I’m guessing I should set it as “heartbeat.” Should I leave it as is, or change the “???” for something specific?

ENCOUNTER_DIFFICULTY_??? should be one of the encounter difficulty constants

Unfortunately the lexicon says that SetEncounterDifficulty() is bugged:

Known to exist in base game and NWN:EE. If you use this on an encounter and the game is saved, then loaded, the encounters difficulty gets reset to 0 or VERY_EASY difficulty, regardless of what the original difficulty was or what it was set to.

Don’t know if the bug still exists… I leave it to you to test this :D.

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I totally forgot about that. Good catch.

Has happened to me some time ago :wink:

I’m just testing and so far it seems to work! Will keep doing so, though, in case one of the encounters doesn’t update. I used the IMPOSSIBLE constant for difficulty, by the way.

Incidentally, I remember some time ago someone shared an .ini/.2da option to reduce the time of the “unlock” action, but I can’t find it anymore. Does anyone remember what file had it, or where it was discussed? And, could the same be done with “disable trap”?


Thank you, but I can’t find it as “lock” or “open” or anything of the like. What’s the line supposed to be called?


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Oh wow, thank you! I didn’t have any of those lines or values in mine… :confused:

Then it means you have version from older patch. Even if you add these, if your game is not running at least version .36 it won’t work.

Damnit, it won’t let me reply properly after deleting the previous post! They all work like a charm, thank you! I have .36-12, but the ruleset.2da was probably an old, backup version I kept!

Just one more question for now. The custom, old classes.2da in override that caused the streff issue allowed me to select classes without restrictions of any kind (level, class, feats, BAB, etc), but while trying to replicate the same in the updated one I found the “****” values no longer work in this instance. I tried copy-pasting other values from classes without restrictions, but still no joy. Could anyone share what to change instead?

That is unfortunate disadvantage of adding new columns into old 2das which could have been avoided if EE developers didn’t ignore my advices. Due to their decision all these new features are not forwards compatible when they could have been.

So to fix it. use the old classes.2da and copy the new columns from newer classes.2da.

Notepad++ can do this, you can select column via SHIFT+ALT+cursor to select column, then CTRL+C and then CTRL+V into old 2da at the same position (in case engine used some values from this 2da via column number.