Download count weirdness since July 2?

In the “Download Counts” option under “My account” I’ve noticed there have been zero reported since July 2nd. This is suspicious from a technical standpoint, since statistically there should have been at least a stray download or two, since most of them had downloads through the end of June or beginning of July. Anyone else seeing this?


I would like to be able to either deny or agree on this but if I click on the Last Download in order to sort the entries I just get an error message telling me to try again later.


I’m showing two downloads on July 4 but nothing since.

A suspicious number of my files say last download 01 Jul. Nothing since then. Somehow, I would be very surprised if every one of those files was downloaded on the same day, let alone nothing since.

I downloaded a file from one of my projects and the download counter on project’s page and “download counts” page has increased, but the date of last download did not - stays at 28th of June. Maybe this issue is related to this thread?

It’s unrelated, though. I saw this error year(s) ago.

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I was wondering about the download URL change issue myself. In any case, whatever change that resulted in breaking the last download date reference, must have occurred in early July.