Easy Free Graphics Editor

Setting up my new PC and don’t have a graphics editor installed yet. I used GIMP a couple years ago but is that still good (and free)?

Any other options folks here like?

GIMP has gotten more features than a few years go. So it’s still good, even better. It’s still free too. Since then there’s also Krita. It’s free also and has a better brush engine than GIMP. It’s more for creating images. If you want to pay a buck or two you could read up on Affinity.


I use Paint.NET for simpler edits like transparency or recoloring.


In linux also: gimp is awesome. Gimp will even open the newer NWN enhanced edition ‘.dds’ files but will not open the 1.69 version ones; for that we need to use the NWN-Explorer program.
For simple loading screen or portrait creation or adjustment Pinta is pretty good.
Audacity is amazing for creating, adjusting and manipulating music files or voice files. Save them with the appropriate bitrate etc. then run MP3toBMU program.
