EE Compiler / NWNTX?

So my old 1.69 module - It required nwntx to compile.
I tried it via the EE toolset compiler and it falls over on numerous things.

Is there an EE TX plugin?

One of the things it seems to fall over on is

string ConvertLeetspeak(string sLetter)
if (GetStringLength(sLetter) > 1)
sLetter = GetStringLeft(sLetter, 1);
string sTranslate = “abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ”;
int iTrans = FindSubString(sTranslate, sLetter);

switch (iTrans)
case 0: return "4";
case 26: return "4";
case 1: return "8";
case 27: return "8";
case 2: return "(";
case 28: return "(";
case 3: return "|)";
case 29: return "|)";
case 4: return "3";
case 30: return "3";
case 5: return "f";
case 31: return "F";
case 6: return "9";
case 32: return "9";
case 7: return "h";
case 33: return "H";
case 8: return "!";
case 34: return "!";
case 9: return "j";
case 35: return "J";
case 10: return "|<";
case 36: return "|<";
case 11: return "1";
case 37: return "1";
case 12: return "/\/\";
case 38: return "/\/\";
case 13: return "|\|";
case 39: return "|\|";
case 14: return "0";

This is from simtools
It considers case 38: return "//"; a non-terminated string sequence.

Meh - found a work-around

GetStringLeft("//\ ", 4);

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