Error compiling old modules with nwnEE

I tried compiling all the modules and demo scripts from Vuldrick and they all get the same errors in the same scripts.
dmfi script
area enter scripts
and weather scripts.
for example:
6/10/2018 11:35:08 AM: Error. ‘vg_area_enter’ did not compile.

I am sure these modules were working with the 1.69 version.

And they will work again, you dont need to compile them, they will work just fine as is.

Anyway, it should be simple, just remove fiunctions GetFirstArea and GetNextArea from the weather_inc_area and it will compiled.

It worked, but now all my indoor areas have the wind effects.

Restore the original weather_inc_area and then rename all occurences of GetFirstArea and GetNextArea in the module to e.g. GetFirstArea2 and GetNextArea2.

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This is correct. Reason: There is a new function in the EE with exactly the same name, so the script will not compile in the EE anymore.

Which are the other Errors?

That seems to have fixed the issue. Everything looks to be working as intended. Many thanks!

I wrote this fix down in the comments on the script page just in case anyone else is stumped.

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