I’m messing again with the NWN toolset, hopefully I’ll learn a thing or two this year. I want to learn to create, edit / merge tilesets the most. And I’m wondering what tools do the pros in this place use in 2021? Tools which work and greatly help you to develop the tilesets.
I wish that it was as simple as doing it all in Blender (as it’s free and all), and I know there are a few scripts for Blender as far as models go. But I have a strong feeling, that 3ds Max should be used instead for almost anything in the NWN territory, as it has the most guides and script/tools available. Is it even true?
I do wish to try out 3ds Max for NWN as I really haven’t had any kind of luck with Blender, but mainly cause it looks like everyone prefers 3dsMax mainly. What versions of 3ds Max do you guys use for NWN1 and for what (if you gotta use a lower/higher version like 3dsmax 5, 7, 10, 2014, 2015 etc)?
Do you really have multiple versions of 3ds Max installed in your system, just to be able to do different things for NWN? I would love to hear such tips from the pros all what could lead us beginners onto something great. I wish I could upload something presentable to vault one day in my life xD
Oh I would like to mention that I always go to this website (Tileset topic this time): http://neverwinternights.info/cc.htm#tileset whoever keeps this site up, thank you so so much it’s too valuable!