Fix for Toolset Turning PLT Parts Chrome or Randomly Swapping Parts When Changing Colors

Toolset Rendering Clothing/Helmet Fixes for Base Game Models | The Neverwinter Vault

I have processed ALL base game phenotype and helmet models through CM3 to clean up numerous minor errors and fix bitmap references. This package fixes two issues in the toolset when changing colors on armor and helmets: parts turning chrome colored and parts randomly changing appearance (although the model reference is still correct).

Note: Robes have been purposely omitted as running them through CM3 caused issues with the coats and loin cloth models.

I have removed the previous files as they are now included in this larger package.

The chrome issue seems to be caused by incorrect bitmap references - in the original models the bitmap name did not match the mdl filename. I was not able to identify the cause of the other issue, but considering that it is now gone, CM3 obviously fixed it.

Drop the files into your /override folder or put them in a hak.

While I haven’t tested EVERY part, I have tested enough that I feel confident in releasing this as a “FIX”. CEP 2 and 3 are more than welcome to include them.