Does anybody know what the GetJournalEntry function actually does? My guess was it returns the state of the plot assigned to a creature by the AddJournalQuestEntry function. But maybe it’s just an old holdover from NWN?
Leftover? The standard check of the journal generated by LilacSoul’s script generator is
int nInt;
nInt=GetLocalInt(oPC, "NW_JOURNAL_ENTRYtest");
if (nInt < 1)
Maybe it does that?
int GetJournalEntry( string szPlotID, object oCreature )
This returns the current journal Entry ID of the quest with tag szPlotID of the creature oCreature.
e.g. GetJournalEntry("quest_tag", GetFirstPC())
This appears to be exactly the same as:
int GetJournalQuestEntry(string sPlotID, object oCreature)
which resides in the ginc_journal include which does this:
int iQuestEntry = GetLocalInt(oCreature, "NW_JOURNAL_ENTRY" + sPlotID);
return (iQuestEntry);
This is similar to what kamal mentioned that LilacSoul’s generates.
Okay, so it’s probably about what I guessed then, and the oObjectJournal variable only works with creatures. Thanks.