GIT Area Info File Deleted!

I have just had something happen that has ruined a day’s “area” build work. (Thankfully, only what I had done in the area though.)

Somehow, an area .GIT just deleted to 0 bytes in size, basically destroying the area.

Has anyone else experienced this, and know what causes this?

Thankfully, I have a backup to work from, but it was a lot of work for me today. UPDATE: Also, I was able to redo most without too much of a setback, as it only affected the area.

While rebuilding the lost area, I noticed this about one of the items I was using … I was using Runestone (not highlighted), but this time around I noticed the one beneath it, and am using this one now. So, maybe this is a dodgy placeable?


EDIT: OK, I am now back where I reached earlier. It was, thankfully, a lot easier than I first feared.


possibly open the 2 files in GeneralGFF (2 separate instances) and carefully scroll them both down, comparing their entries

might see what’s different