Seeing as how I’m stuck using a cellphone hotspot for internet through the summer, I decided to put Project Q away for a couple of months and work on something new…
Daggerford as presented in the old 1e module Under Illefarn
Seeing as how I’m stuck using a cellphone hotspot for internet through the summer, I decided to put Project Q away for a couple of months and work on something new…
Daggerford as presented in the old 1e module Under Illefarn
That is epic. Remind us to jam your internet signal more often.
I thought you meant Darkness Over Daggerford, and was all “Wasn’t it just refurbished a few years ago?”
Just redoing the town map. I found a box in the attic with some old D&D stuff in it - Under Illefarn was sitting on top. After reading through the module, I was inspired to take a stab at converting it to a module. Seems like a good use of my time since working on Q at the moment is moot given my internet connection woes.
Under Illefarn was my cousin & DM’s first turn at sitting behind the screen. It was a chaotic mess, and without a doubt some of the funnest gaming ever.
I look forward to your efforts with nostalgic glee!