so, y’know, like all people I accidentally a gacha and listened to Through Patches of Violet entirely too much. Pretty normal problem. So to get it out of my system I went to muck around with the old Gothic Estates tileset, one I poked around a bit in with the beta but haven’t really touched it in years. So count my shock as I try to make a greenhouse tileset to make a appropriate area for some plant monsters, but the walkway tile no longer works. Instead of a crosser, it seems to be placing just the standard Greenhouse tiles. The stairway tiles intended so you could get up there are still there in feature, along with the larger version of the four-way split that’s a feature, but not the seperate bridges intended to build off those
I know this never used to be the case as I had used those tiles, and they’re in the files themselves, under tcge0_b. At first I thought it was the CTP version I was using (I vaguely recall the CTP version of Gothic Estates used to have issues), but using the regular version also had the issue. Okay, if they’re both broken then I just figured it must be the version. But: Even the version in the RTC wasn’t workng. I know for a fact that version used to have the walkway working, so I figure it must have updated and inhereted the error
As far as I can tell the issue is the tiles are drawing from the A tiles and not B, but unfortunately, well, its been a decade and all of my tileset knowledge has just evaporated. I can’t find anything in the set file where I establish that this crosser should be drawing from the B files, nor can I find it in the itp file. Which file am I missing here?
I’m not the only person to pick up on this, back on the old forum boodah spotted the issue back in 2014 but doesn’t appear to have gotten a response.
The crosser “Greenhouse Walkway” isn’t placing the right tiles. It should be drawing from ‘tcge0_b01_01.mdl’ through to ‘tcge0_b05_01.mdl’ (b05_02 and b05_03 work and are the features called gh_stairs and gh_stairs2, they’re the only way to get the tiles showing in game by abusing the fact they’ll place the crosser) but it is instead placing standard greenhouse tiles. Seems like every version of it doesn’t work, I’m poking the CTP version but I’ve confirmed doesn’t work in the standard version or the version contained in RTC
The first question is difficult, i can only assume, that something in the engine changed, after the set was done and nobody actually ever used the greenhouse (what a shame …)
The solution was the following:
in the set, the reference was “Greenhouse Walkway”
in the itp it was “greenhouse walkw” (exactly 16 chars)
= I replaced the reference in both files with “gww”. Done.
Fwiw, I solved the issue back then in almost the exact same way Mmat did (I renamed it to GH Walkway ) → the issue was simply the itp file (or at least the program used for editing it) not accepting ref strings longer than 16 chars.
Bad form on my side to not post the solution as well back then; sorry for that.
Now - as stated in my post from 2014 - I could swear it used to work with the CTP version w/o this fix. However, judging by this post (second bullet point) this seems to be an issue since 2006 → funnily enough, that specific issue never was brought up again in that thread.
See Boodah, I thought no one had ever solved it so when I found that I was just panicked and just ‘oh no this poor Boodah, their cries for help unanswered (solved in 10 seconds a decade later)’
Probably need to throw a note on the CTP file about that, but I remember the initial CTP release did have other issues with the entire tileset that are long since resolved