Hardware upgrades and expected downtime

Cant say I’m the biggest fan of the software to begin with but that might have to do with me being old. Even ol phpbb seems a bit hoity-toity to me.

[edit]: I held the menu open for several minutes, no tooltips for me.

Today concludes the migration effort; all services and websites are now up on new hardware.

The vault (Drupal) also saw various upgrades on the software side. Would appreciate people reporting back how the experience is. I bet it’ll need significant tweaking going forward.


Big issue for me is where has the “latest interactions” (can’t remember the name I just pressed it numerous times a day to see the latest comments, etc.) button gone from this site’s front page? It used to be the second button after Contribute in the navigation section. I need that button in order to perform my duties as a moderator.



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Same here. The link which I always use


now returns Access Denied.

The home page dIsplays OK but I don’t see any way to view recent comments from there.

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Same. Can’t enter “Recent”, and it’s not in the menu anymore

Not sure what’s going on here.

I can access Recent posts | The Neverwinter Vault logged in, and anonymous (no login cookie/separate browser session) just fine. It shows both the global and the personal tracker (if logged in).

I also see the Recent menu at least on the Garland and Blackhole themes, and clicking it brings me to /tracker.


You likely can as the account is an administrative account. Check on a user account?
For my own part I cannot.

I can logged out, but not when Logged in to my user account, suggesting a permissions issue.

Try now, please. I made some changes and tested with an old spam account; that was then able to see /tracker.


Working now for me. Thanks.



Yep, working for me now as well.


@niv have you seen this - Project upload size now 2mb is something wrong?


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Rolovault backup content from IGN is down.

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Should be back.

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Thanks niv. It is super fast now too!

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Thanks @niv for that. What’d you do? Feed the squirrel in its wheel, chilli flavoured nuts? :chipmunk:


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Little annoyance in these forums that didn’t used to happen before the upgrade. I get the unread posts message. I read the post(s). The message doesn’t disappear until I reload the page. Occasionally, I get the number against a post I’ve just read and rarer still, it occurs when I make a post too. This is definitely something new but nowhere a biggie.


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I don’t seem to be able to update my account portrait.

New Windows 11 PC with Chrome browser/

My Account > Edit > Upload Picture > Choose File appears to work, in that I can select a portrait, whose name is then displayed next to the Choose File button.

However, when I press Save, the page is updated, but still has no portrait.

I notice that, just above, right of screen, there is a link to Proleric’s Picture, with the browser graphic for “file not found”. Delete Picture is unchecked.

I would post a screenshot, but, you know, account details…

P.S. This is in addition to the long-standing bug that deletes the portrait when you’re routinely logged out and required to log in again.

Doesn’t work in Edge, either.

Worked OK for me with Vivaldi on Win 10 though I have noticed it will fail if the picture isn’t square in dimensions and it won’t really tell you that’s why.

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Picture is square.

I suspect this is a recent change - Android 13 / Chrome has exactly the same problem, despite working a few weeks ago.