I’m going to take a look now in the toolset now. I don’t think it’s because of the update, as this was the version up on the Vault for a long time – but I can’t be certain.
And thank you for playing and your kind words!
In the “swordskeep_b” area, there is a chest near the “manfredgrave_wp” waypoint. In that chest is a stack of 3 torches. Replace that stack of torches with 3 individual torches. For some reason only the first torch works if they are stacked. This is true even if the torches are separated, dropped and reacquired.
In the “hamfast_house” area, there are two waypoints with the same tag - “sarah_wp”. This is preventing a jump from possibly occurring in the “hamtrunk_open” script. Note, that waypoint is also called in the “robhamfast_con” convo.
Animal companions are not healing when paying to rest through Danmar’s dialog. Recommend replacing the “sd_resting” script with a “ga_force_rest” script.
Played long time ago and there are few module done well like yours. When i played the first time your module i had think that H&C was made by the same developer of nwn2 it was too well made :D.
I love to see another module like yours.
I started a new run on single player and I’m getting a crash every time I pick a certain dialogue option. The first time you visit the Flame Stone, you have a conversation with Ianth. If I tell her she’d look nice in a pair of antlers, after which she scoffs at you and proceeds to explain what the Stag Warriors are about. The game crashes after that line. Choosing either of the other options seems to avoid the bug, even though one triggers the exact same line.
I don’t recall having this issue on previous walkthrough, and what’s more, I think we chose that option the other day when co-oping (the other player did), so it’s all pretty weird.
Also, I forgot to tell you, only one of us could rest at the stone or the inn when on multiplayer. The companions and I had to rest the old fashioned way. Because of this, I can’t tell you whether the bonus XP for not resting would’ve been given to both of us, but it’d have probably worked the same way regular quest XP did.
Thank you very much! Glad you thought that.
I remember this bug from way back when. I could never figure out what caused it, and the crash happened randomly (but always with that line). I blame Sune. I will investigate again for the next update, though.
Maybe it’s just that Ianth really dislikes antlers.
I just finished my play-through. I did not encounter any bugs. Well, I think I did encounter the bug with the dryad encounter but I am so used to having to cajole party members into doing what I want that I didn’t realize it until reading here. All no resting bonus xp was given.
And the final fight was hard with a bard but I got through it on my first try. Or rather, Ianth did. the rest of us were down. She is the real hero of this story though so that is actually pretty appropriate. The only shame is that my bard will have to get her account of events to write the necessary balad rather than having a first-hand account.
Great suggestions, thanks!
With regard to the crashing during the convo at the “flamestone” area - the crash is being caused by a bad linked node in the “flamestone_con” convo. To fix that, delete the two linked (grayed) [END DIALOG] nodes. The parent [CONTINUE] nodes will then revert to [END DIALOG] nodes as it should be. Actually, only one of them is used, but may as well get rid of both of them.
One thing you may (or may not) want to do is warn the player to empty out their override. I use the creature compilation 2da and the horse did not appear, which caused it to end the conversation when the Wyrvens talk to the elves. They ended up just standing there and not transforming. Not a huge bug.
I got to the part where you meet Manfred on my single player playthrough, and the scene at the inn triggered correctly (I tested it a couple times for good measure).
I can’t tell for sure if it’s a multiplayer bug, but my experience seems to suggest so. The only thing we haven’t tried is my sending the save to the other player to see if she can trigger it by herself (as I said, I tried to do that myself and it didn’t work), but I think we’ve given up on that playthrough by now.
Amazing! Great find. Thanks very much, travus.
Good to know… I’m going to test it myself soon.
I don’t know if you can call it a bug, but the Northdark Wood maps appear to be upside down. I’ve no idea if you can rotate an area in the toolset easily or if it’d involve rebuilding it from scratch, but if the former is possible, rotating the southern map 180º and the northern one 90º to the left would set them straight and fit their positions on the world map.
… And finished on single player without any troubles. No real bugs other than the antler crash this time, so I guess the real problem is just with multiplayer.
A little nitpick regarding the end fight: Maerdred tells you to prepare before the whole show starts, so I rested at the stone, had Gossam summon his animal companion, and buffed, though I wasn’t sure if I’d keep the buffs. As the scene moved on, time passed, so the buffs were indeed lost, and for some reason the animal companion was no longer in the area (luckily I was able to resummon it). I don’t know if there’s a way to prevent the latter; as for the former, it makes sense as in-game hours pass in between, but maybe you could force a rest on the players there, so they don’t just lose those spells and are at least able to cast them again once the fight begins?
P.S.: A tip for those having trouble with the last boss: have Gossam cast Dismissal on the fire elementals to insta-kill them. Just don’t do like I did and remember to keep your own summons out of the AOE!
One thing I forgot to mention and that got me thinking, though I’m probably talking out of my ass here:
In most modules I’ve played where you get a cleric companion, their domain selection is usually buggy, in that no matter which ones the author gave them, the ones they actually get are Air and Animal (the first two, alphabetically), at least in regard to the extra spells they get.
H&C is one of the few cases I’ve seen where that doesn’t happen, and I was wondering whether Maerduin simply did something different that prevented it, or if it’s a bug introduced by SOZ and this particular module isn’t affected only because it wasn’t updated for it.
So, just a thought, and maybe something to keep an eye out if/when updated (but again, it might be completely unrelated).
The “sarah_con” convo has a “gc_check_stats” script that’s checking Intelligence. Although the dialog suggests it should be checking Wisdom.
In the “melincourt_con” convo, if you let Ianth do the armwrestling, you won’t get the 50gp if you pick any reply except “The gold, please”. Recommend moving the ga_give_gold to the same nodes as the ga_journal and ga_give_xp.
@kamal …
i think the issue is rectified if the module-builder calls ResetLevels on the cleric when the module starts