In the constant I found int BASE_ITEM_HEALERSKIT = 39
however most function require either a string or an object int HasItem(object oCreature, string s)
or void ActionUseSkill(int nSkill, object oTarget, int nSubSkill=0, object oItemUsed=OBJECT_INVALID )
How do I get the item tag / string and then the actual object ?
The function will check if a specific item is in the inventory of an creature. To use it, you need to know the item tag. I.E.
object hk = HasItem(GetFirstPC(), "NW_IT_MEDKIT001");
If the PC doesn’t have the item, “hk” is set to OBJECT_INVALID.
ActionUseSkill will have a creature use a skill. No healer’s kit needed.
To find a tag, use the palette on the right side of the toolset. Navigate to “Items” and search for the string “heal” (ctrl+F). Right click the found object + “Edit copy” to see the tag.