Help for new module/ server host

Hello everyone!

Sorry in advance for the lenght of the post and if this topic has been covered 10 thousands times.

15 years ago, I use to have a french persistent world a long time ago on original NWN1. Creation, hosting and DMing. Of course I don’t remember everything and now I’ve got the NWN.EE and I feel quite lost.

I would love to play a DnD campaign with friends that are in different parts of the world so I felt an online server would be best but … Things are so different now and I don’t know where to start. I’ve researched online and got tons on guides and links and pages but I’m even more confused now.

I wanted to get a premade module as a starting base, that has most of what’s popular (script wise), like all DM tools, cloting system, banks, permanent storage, etc. etc. Even if there is no maps, that we can do, but with a good skeleton since only my has experience and that experience is, well, oooold AF lol. And it’s for a campaign between friends so I don’t want to put a year into creating a module that will go online for the broad public.

My question is … can you guys help me with what do we need ? To have a module, with enough options on it, to play on together and for me to host it. We all have the Steam version of NWN.EE.

What downloads? What CEP (or no CEP)? Beamdog HD Art pack? Persistent world or LAN setup? There is so much stuff my head is spinning. But I might go too far, or not at the right place.

Thanks in advance.

There is plenty such worlds / starter modules in the vault files
For persistent world for 1.69 version:

It should be noted most of these entries do not actually contain the module, at least in the EE category. They are merely advertisements (some of them, for servers that no longer seem to be running.

To narrow it down a bit, Path of Ascension, The Frozen North, or my own Time of Unparalleled Darkness, have the actual module. Note that mine is not complete by any means.

Can’t speak from personal experience yet, but I think lots of people would give this project a glowing recommendation:

Lord of Worms Tilesets and Arbor Falls PW Server Haks | The Neverwinter Vault