Help with turning buildings from Zwerkules' ArabianNights tileset to placeables

Vivienne has taken the highly inadvisable step of poking the Shabby Hyena Object with a pointed stick. This wakes up the Loony Hyena who instantly foams rabidly at the muzzle and looks for something, anything, to hit with a brick.
In this case, Zwerkules’ nice little houses, peacefully minding their own business in their own Tileset, have now been jumped up and down on heavily… Zwerkules said I could - so you know who to blame.

The Hyena Weirdo and his shapely Demonic associates have hunted down all the small building types in the Tileset and, as you can see, cast them all into the Vortex of Avernys. Here, the innocent buildings have been subjected to unethical medical experiments and done strange things to. And hit with bricks. Don’t forget the hitting with bricks… And now, here they stand as Placeables in the BioWare Desert…

Placeable Buildings should be on the Vault in a few days - See PHoD THINGS 2 thread for further so-called details. Or more rabid foam anyway…


Wow! You’ve worked your magic! A thousand thanks :blush: :relaxed:!!!

I’m not sure any actual, legitimate magic was involved… just some very large, specially-sharpened bricks…

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Thousand and one ? :slight_smile: