Can someone show me how to check the current amount of hitpoints on a monster, and when its down to 25% I want to spawn in his buddies.
There are GetMaxHitPoints and GetCurrentHitPoints.
Because int must be a whole number, we multiply the ratio by 100 to get the comparison.
You can call the script in your OnDamaged script for the NPC
void main()
int nMax = GetMaxHitPoints();
int nHP = GetCurrentHitPoints();
int nRatio = (100*nHP)/nMax;
if (nRatio <= 25)
//whatever you are doing
else return;
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
int nRatio = 100*(nHP/nMax);
consider integer truncation… anything less than full HP results in nRatio=0.
int nRatio = (nHP * 100) / nMax;
that also rounds very low HP down to nRatio=0 but should be okay here.
I think you are right - forgot my parenthesis! Corrected my post above
Apologies. Im a bit lost and my script is cluttered.
I cant get the hit points to fire and my monsters spawn every time i hit it. I end up with 12 spiders in about 10 seconds…
again I apologize.
//:: Default OnDamaged handler
If already fighting then ignore, else determine
combat round
//:: Copyright © 2002 Floodgate Entertainment
//:: Created By: Naomi Novik
//:: Created On: 12/22/2002
//:: Modified By: Deva Winblood
//:: Modified On: Jan 17th, 2008
//:: Added Support for Mounted Combat Feat Support
#include “nw_i0_generic”
#include “x3_inc_horse”
void main()
object oDamager = GetLastDamager();
object oMe=OBJECT_SELF;
int nHPBefore;
if (!GetLocalInt(GetModule(),“X3_NO_MOUNTED_COMBAT_FEAT”))
if (GetHasFeat(FEAT_MOUNTED_COMBAT)&&HorseGetIsMounted(OBJECT_SELF))
{ // see if can negate some damage
{ // last attack was physical
{ // haven’t already had a chance to use this for the round
int nAttackRoll=GetBaseAttackBonus(oDamager)+d20();
int nRideCheck=GetSkillRank(SKILL_RIDE,OBJECT_SELF)+d20();
if (nRideCheck>=nAttackRoll&&!GetIsDead(OBJECT_SELF))
{ // averted attack
if (GetIsPC(oDamager)) SendMessageToPC(oDamager,GetName(OBJECT_SELF)+GetStringByStrRef(111991));
//if (GetIsPC(OBJECT_SELF)) SendMessageToPCByStrRef(OBJECT_SELF,111992");
if (GetCurrentHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF)<nHPBefore)
{ // heal
effect eHeal=EffectHeal(nHPBefore-GetCurrentHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF));
} // heal
} // averted attack
} // haven’t already had a chance to use this for the round
} // last attack was physical
} // see if can negate some damage
if(GetFleeToExit()) {
// We’re supposed to run away, do nothing
} else if (GetSpawnInCondition(NW_FLAG_SET_WARNINGS)) {
// don’t do anything?
} else {
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oDamager)) {
// don’t do anything, we don’t have a valid damager
} else if (!GetIsFighting(OBJECT_SELF)) {
// If we’re not fighting, determine combat round
if(GetBehaviorState(NW_FLAG_BEHAVIOR_SPECIAL)) {
} else {
&& GetArea(OBJECT_SELF) == GetArea(oDamager)) {
// We don’t see our attacker, go find them
ActionMoveToLocation(GetLocation(oDamager), TRUE);
} else {
} else {
// We are fighting already – consider switching if we’ve been
// attacked by a more powerful enemy
object oTarget = GetAttackTarget();
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
oTarget = GetAttemptedAttackTarget();
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oTarget))
oTarget = GetAttemptedSpellTarget();
// If our target isn't valid
// or our damager has just dealt us 25% or more
// of our hp in damager
// or our damager is more than 2HD more powerful than our target
// switch to attack the damager.
if (!GetIsObjectValid(oTarget)
|| (
oTarget != oDamager
&& (
GetTotalDamageDealt() > (GetMaxHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF) / 4)
|| (GetHitDice(oDamager) - 2) > GetHitDice(oTarget)
// Switch targets
// Send the user-defined event signal
SignalEvent(OBJECT_SELF, EventUserDefined(EVENT_DAMAGED));
int nMax = GetMaxHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF);
int nHP = GetCurrentHitPoints(OBJECT_SELF);
int nRatio = 100*(nHP/nMax);
if (nRatio <= 25)
object oTarget;
object oSpawn;
location lTarget;
oTarget = oDamager;
lTarget = GetLocation(oDamager);
oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “spiddire001”, lTarget);
oTarget = oSpawn;
SetIsTemporaryEnemy(oDamager, oTarget);
AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionAttack(oDamager));
AssignCommand(oTarget, DetermineCombatRound(oDamager));
oTarget = oDamager;
lTarget = GetLocation(oTarget);
oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “spiddire001”, lTarget);
oTarget = oSpawn;
SetIsTemporaryEnemy(oDamager, oTarget);
AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionAttack(oDamager));
AssignCommand(oTarget, DetermineCombatRound(oDamager));
oTarget = oDamager;
lTarget = GetLocation(oTarget);
oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, “spiddire001”, lTarget);
oTarget = oSpawn;
SetIsTemporaryEnemy(oDamager, oTarget);
AssignCommand(oTarget, ActionAttack(oDamager));
AssignCommand(oTarget, DetermineCombatRound(oDamager));
else return;
ok. the hit point part of the script works as advertised. I just cant keep it from spawning 3 dire spiders. Once it dips below 25% and I hit the owner of the script, 3 more spiders spawn, over and over with every subsequent hit???
how do i make it fire only once?
You need to use a variable to mark the critters spawned and check for it.
int nMax = GetMaxHitPoints();
int nHP = GetCurrentHitPoints();
int nRatio = (100*nHP)/nMax;
if (nRatio <= 25)
//whatever you are doing
int nSpawn = GetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "Spawned");
//Spawn your critters here
//mark them spawned
SetLocalInt(OBJECT_SELF, "Spawned", 1);
else return;
I bow to your Code Fu! Lol
Thank you again Mannast